Farming event with aim of building future for good food to be held in October

The Marches Real Food and Farming Convergence will take place later this year to promote a movement that aims to create a food system across the Marches that is “good for people”. 

The Marches Real Food and Farming Convergence will take place later this year to promote a movement that aims to create a food system across the Marches that is “good for people”. 

The event will be held at Babbinswood Farm, near Oswestry in Shropshire, on 4th and 5th October. 

The organiser, Marches Real Food and Farming Network, said that the event emerged from an inaugural conference last year and will include the food partnerships of Shropshire, Monmouthshire, Herefordshire and Powys. 

They added: “It is all about ‘Our Local Food Future’ with a focus on agro-ecological farming and routes to market that enable access to wholesome and healthy food for all.  

“It has been called a convergence rather than a conference as it will feature more workshops, practical demonstrations and chances to collaborate, as well as speeches and talks.” 

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Celebration of landscape and people who work on it 

Jenny Rouquette, founding director & partnership lead of SGFP.

Jenny Rouquette of the Shropshire Good Food Partnership said that the event’s aim is to bring together people from all aspects of the food system and from across the region to explore ideas, learn, and share. 

“It’s about fostering collaboration and building community in an interactive space. It’s a celebration of our landscape and the people who work on it,” she added. 

The two-day event will give farmers, growers, experts and campaigners a chance to look at practical ways of building a resilient, agro-ecological regional food system. 

Delegates will be able to look at how to transform the supply chain as well as examine the question of meeting demand from the hyper-local to the bioregional level. 

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Unique space for food conversations 

Delegates at the Marches Real Food & Farming Conference last year.

Ms Rouquette said: “We want to create a unique space for food conversations ranging from land-based wisdom to food sovereignty.   

“We plan to cover everything from perennial vegetable growing to holistic land management and local infrastructure for shorter supply chains. But above all, we want to develop a programme based on the priorities of those taking part in the event.” 

The Marches Real Food and Farming Network is calling for proposals, speakers and sponsors for the convergence event. 

It is also appealing for ideas for panel sessions, open forums or practical workshops, as well as potential exhibitors and sponsors. 

“We’re giving everyone the chance to be a co-creator of the 2024 convergence. Please get in touch if you can be actively involved in any way – running a session, as an exhibitor, or as a sponsor,” Ms Rouquette concluded. 

Details are available online here or at

The podcast from the 2023 Marches Real Food and Farming Conference is also available through the website.  

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