Sheep shot with crossbow-like weapon on Scottish farm
16th August 2024
Agricultural cooperative Dachie Livestock is asking people for information in regards to an incident in which a sheep was killed with “either a crossbow/bow and arrow or similar weapon”.
Animal Rising sentenced after causing about £100k of damage at Arla site
14th August 2024
A radical animal rights group, Animal Rising, has been fined nearly £60,000 after causing around £100,000 worth of damage at an Arla dairy distribution centre in Hertfordshire.
£9k GPS dome stolen from tractor on Hertfordshire farm
9th August 2024
Hertfordshire farmer Geoff Simms has fallen victim to rural crime after thieves ripped the GPS dome from the roof of his John Deere tractor.
£2k damage caused to crops on Dorset field
9th August 2024
Police are appealing for information in regards to £2,000 of damage that was done to crops on a field in East Dorset.
Cornish farmer ordered to pay £340k following waste offences
7th August 2024
A wildlife haven and badger sett in an old quarry were damaged when a Newquay farmer dumped waste and excavation waste on the site, the Environment Agency said.
Cheshire: 20 lambs killed by dog after owner ‘wanted to play fetch with him’
5th August 2024
A dog walker has been ordered to pay £4,500 after her dog was involved in a livestock attack causing the death of 20 lambs in Cheshire.
New quad bikes help South Yorkshire Police crack down on rural crime
4th August 2024
The South Yorkshire Police Motorcycle and Rural Crime Team have confirmed that the addition of two new quad bikes has led to a significant reduction in rural crime in the area.
Livestock heavily impacted by rural crime: sheep disembowelled and 36 lambs stolen
2nd August 2024
The publication of the latest rural crime report coincided with the horrific news that a sheep was recently disembowelled in Oxfordshire and 36 lambs were stolen from a Staffordshire farm.
Cost of rural crime in the UK exceeded estimated £50m
1st August 2024
The cost of rural crime in the UK has exceeded the estimated £50 million last year as thieves became more organised and determined, according to new figures from NFU Mutual.
75-year-old farmer shot dead on field in Lancashire
30th July 2024
The investigation continues into the death of a Lancashire farmer who suffered gunshot injuries.
Wellington farmer given suspended prison sentence and £10k fine following slurry offences
23rd July 2024
A Wellington dairy farmer was given a suspended prison sentence and was ordered to pay £10,000 for allowing slurry to run into the Westford Stream.
Police issued warning after farmer was threatened with catapult in hare coursing incident
12th July 2024
Hampshire Police are urging farmers to be extra vigilant for hare coursing activity following a recent incident that saw a farmer being threatened with a catapult.