Amazon Prime unveils first look at Jeremy Clarkson’s farming series
21st May 2021
Jeremy Clarkson’s new series, launching in June, is set to show the serious challenges of farming and the emotional consequences of failure, as it follows the Grand Tour star on the first year of his farming journey.
National remembrance for those who have died in the farming community
20th May 2021
A national remembrance service led by The Farming Community Network (FCN) charity will provide an opportunity to remember those who have died in farming communities.
Electric gates: the first line of defence against rural crime
20th May 2021
Every farm uses gates, but more and more have begun to opt for a more advanced electric option. Some have made the jump for better deterrence against intruders or stronger biosecurity. Others have found the ease of use and extra convenience worthwhile.
Farmers urged to take action as rural crime soars
20th May 2021
With rural crime on the rise, making sure your farm security is up to scratch has never been more important. 24 Networks and Security, which works with farmers nationwide to protect their property, offers some advice.
Breedr to raise money for charity by encouraging farmers to get their Bulls Out for Cancer
20th May 2021
Beef and dairy farmers are joining forces to raise money for testicular cancer, while also improving their herd genetics as part of Breedr’s Bulls Out for Cancer campaign.
Government lays plans to tackle livestock worrying
19th May 2021
Farmers are welcoming government proposals for the police to have more power responding to serious incidents of livestock worrying.
AHDB launches ‘Beige is Beautiful’ campaign to encourage people to choose wholegrains
17th May 2021
The Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) is launching a consumer marketing campaign based around a striking piece of art made entirely from wholegrains.
New Holland and The Prince’s Countryside Trust announce winners of annual Up to Speed scheme
16th May 2021
The successful applicants to the Up to Speed joint initiative by New Holland and The Prince’s Countryside Fund win the use of the brand’s equipment for a year.
The University of Hull helping those in the Humber region tackle flooding
16th May 2021
Small and medium-sized businesses in the Humber may lack the knowledge and expertise required to tackle the growing flood risk facing the region.
ASDA Launches its first ESG report in a move towards sustainability
15th May 2021
Asda has today published its first Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) report which sets out its commitments to a sustainable business strategy and outlines how the supermarket will make it easier and affordable for customers to shop sustainably.
‘Hedgefund’ New Scheme offers grants and guidance for farmers to help the UK’s threatened hedgerows
14th May 2021
The Tree Council is leading Close the Gap, a partnership project with a year of activity to champion hedgerows and is asking farmers to get involved to boost biodiversity, tackle climate change and preserve the unique character of the English countryside.
Farmers and landowners sought to help create ponds, and protect great crested newts in North Lincs
14th May 2021
A number of ponds are set to be created in the North Lincolnshire area, thanks to a new scheme funded by Natural England that is designed to protect the great crested newt (GCN) species.