Survey highlights mental health toll on farmers due to soaring input costs

Spiralling production costs, unfairness in the supply chain, and a rise in rural crime have been identified as some of the main factors contributing to poor mental health in farming in a recent survey conducted by the NFU.

The survey aimed to investigate how recent changes to the financial outlook of agriculture as a result of the global turmoil of the past 18 months has impacted the health and safety of the farming population.

Over 68% of respondents admitted to spiralling input costs – especially that of energy, fuel and fertiliser – having a negative impact on their mental health. Moreover, 61% of farmers felt market volatility and unfairness in the supply chain has negatively impacted their mental health and almost 50% said rural crime is affecting their wellbeing.

The latter is evidenced by the rising number of tractor GPS thefts seen in recent weeks, which was the topic of discussion at the first-ever National Rural Crime Unit Conference held at the NFU headquarters this Monday (5th June).

The release of the survey precedes a parliamentary event set to launch discussions into making the mental health of the nation’s food producers a priority. MPs will have the opportunity to speak to and learn from farming charities and campaigners, helping farmers out in the field day-to-day, and farmers with their own mental health experiences.

NFU vice president David Exwood said the results of the survey are concerning and emphasized the importance of continued government action to improve mental health and wellbeing in farming.

“Working in the farming industry is one of the most rewarding jobs in the world. We produce high-quality, climate-friendly food for the nation while shaping some of the country’s most beautiful landscapes. But as has been shown by our distressing survey results, the pressures are incredibly challenging too.

“Our survey pinpoints some of the root causes affecting rural mental health – economic and political uncertainty – and we are calling on government to continue taking steps to address these issues to reduce the stress farmers are facing. This is backed up by a recent report from the Efra Select Committee which called for greater joined-up rural mental health planning and action from government, and we agree with these calls.

“While we are starting to see a culture change within our sector, where talking about mental health is becoming more and more accepted, there are still too many farmers and growers simply ignoring the signs and struggling on in silence. I hope today’s event shows there is support out there as we mark the start of an important conversation.”

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