£500k funding programme launches to ‘power up’ rural communities 

A new £500,000 funding programme that aims to support community-led projects in rural Northumberland and Cumbria has just been announced. 

A new £500,000 funding programme that aims to support community-led projects in rural Northumberland and Cumbria has just been announced. 
Photo by The Royal Countryside Fund.

The programme, initiated by The Royal Countryside Fund in partnership with The National Lottery Community Fund, is set to launch on 1st August. 

The fund is seeking applications from organisations across the two counties that have the potential to ‘power up, not prop up’ rural communities.  

The initiative aims to revitalise these areas by funding original, innovative projects that address the unique challenges and opportunities they face.  

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Untapped potential within rural communities 

Figures show that the average wage in rural areas is 7.5% less than the urban equivalent, yet residents must spend up to 20% more on everyday items like fuel and transport, while many living in rural communities also face hidden levels of hardship such as loneliness and isolation.  

Individual organisations can apply for up to £30,000 each over a period of 18 months to deliver activities designed to boost economic, environmental or social stability. 

Applications are encouraged for projects that have the potential to provide financial benefits to the locality, build a stronger sense of community and connectedness and/or increase environmental sustainability.   

Keith Halstead, executive director of The Royal Countryside Fund, said: “There is huge untapped potential within rural communities to drive economic prosperity and find innovative solutions to environmental and social challenges.  

“This funding opportunity aims to support transformative initiatives that will truly inspire change in rural parts of Cumbria and Northumberland.   

“We are particularly excited to see ideas that offer new and original solutions to rural challenges, especially where there is potential to replicate these in other communities and increase the scale of change.  

“We are also profoundly grateful for the substantial support from The National Lottery Community Fund, which enables us to significantly enhance our impact.”  

Kverneland Headland News

Community projects 

Duncan Nicholson, regional head of funding for North East & Cumbria at The National Lottery Community Fund, said: “We are delighted to be funding this terrific initiative in partnership with The Royal Countryside Fund and committing to the environmental sustainability and resilience of communities across these two counties.  

“Supporting communities to be environmentally sustainable is one of our key missions at The National Lottery Community Fund, and thanks to National Lottery players we will be able to fund projects across the region to address local climate issues and create an infrastructure for the benefit of current and future generations.”  

The Royal Countryside Fund said it has so far invested more than £12 million in over 500 rural community-led projects, including two previous examples of highly innovative and impactful projects in Cumbria and Northumberland. 

This includes Grizedale Arts and The Farmers Arms in Cumbria turning an old pub into a rural hub, creating a local space for creative and business projects to run and hosting training events and volunteer placements for local people.  

Blackhall Mill Community Association in Newcastle has also created a community initiative. 

The organisation developed a how-to-guide and model for setting up an electric vehicle car club, called a ‘car club in a box’, to enable other communities to create their own.  

The innovation is designed to support the development of new clubs in other communities, de-carbonise transport, improve accessibility and strengthen the sustainability of their own club for the community.  

Kverneland Headland News

Need for tangible change 

The Royal Countryside Fund is seeking applications from community projects that will create tangible change, helping to do one or more of the following:  

  • Help provide financial benefits to the locality. 
  • Build a stronger sense of community and connectedness. 
  • Benefit the local environment, creating positive benefits for the community. 
  • Create an innovative and replicable approach, addressing an unmet need within a rural area.

To apply, visit The Royal Countryside Fund website and submit a short video and complete a simple ‘Expression of interest’ form, explaining why the idea is needed in the area, how it will help the community, how it demonstrates innovation and the long-term ambition for the project.   

On Wednesday 7th August The Royal Countryside Fund will host two webinars for people interested in applying to ask questions and find out more about the fund and application process. 

Sign up for Cumbria webinar here and here for Northumberland. 

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