Farmers encouraged to invite public to their farms during Open Farm Sunday events 

Farmers are encouraged to open their farms for visitors and talk about what they are most proud of, British food and farming.

The organiser, Linking Environment And Farming (LEAF) is asking farmers to join the Open Farm Sun­day initiative, which takes place on Sunday 9th June.
Farmers are encouraged to open their farms to the public.

The organiser, Linking Environment And Farming (LEAF) is asking farmers to join the Open Farm Sun­day initiative, which takes place on Sunday 9th June.

Open Farm Sunday manager, Annabel Shackleton, offers words of support to anyone considering hosting an event. She said: “There’s a huge opportunity to engage with an eager audience – people are genuinely curious to see behind the farm gate.

“Whatever the size of your event, you’ll be making a significant contribution to people’s understanding of farming and food production. By putting their stories centre stage, farmers are the true heroes of the day.”

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Appreciation for farmers’ work  

Open Farm Sunday manager, Annabel Shackleton
Open Farm Sunday manager, Annabel Shackleton.

LEAF research highlights the value to farmers of having positive conversations, feeling heard and appreciated by the public.

For 88% of farmers, the main reason they take part in OFS is to promote a positive image of farming industry. After attending an event, 96% of visitors said they leave with a greater appreciation of the work farmers do.

To support the delivery of events this year, prospective hosts can join Open Farm Sunday’s online Zoom meetings running until 22nd May, look through the OFS Information Pack on the website, or telephone the OFS team to talk through event ideas and get questions answered.

Celebrating its 18th anniversary this summer, Open Farm Sunday is focused on encouraging more farmers to open their gates and put farming centre stage. Visit the OFS website to register and access an extensive range of free resources.

Share your farm  

Kasi McReddie from Ernespie Farm in Castle Douglas, Scotland, said: “An Open Farm Sunday event doesn’t need to be a grand scale, it can be just as fantastic with 20 people coming from the local church group or school.

“It doesn’t even need to take place on a Sunday. It could be as simple as hosting a farm walk one evening. The most important thing is making the event work for you. It’s something you can really build your confidence with and grow on your own terms over time.”

A Kent famer, Emma Loder Symonds of Nonington Farms, added that there are many benefits from hosting a farm open day.

She said: “For me, one of the best things has been attracting new entrants into the industry. Share your farm. Just go and do it and you’ll be amazed at what happens as a result.”

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Creating lasting change

Midlands farmer, Louis Phipps, said: “It’s really important for farmers to share their stories with the public. To show how much work goes into producing food, how much care we’re taking of the environment, to recreate a connection of where food comes from so people understand what they’re spending their money on and what they’re putting into their bodies.”  

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 Lisa Allen from Elm Tree Farm near Bristol added: “People are genuinely interested in farming and are keen for their children to have connections with nature and with where their food comes from.   

“Agriculture as an industry can seem very closed and hard to understand for the public, and is often only in the news when something goes wrong or there is controversy.   

“OFS gives farmers the chance to share their work and their land with their community. It also busts some of the myths and create lasting change in attitudes and beliefs among the public.”  

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