Farmers! A quick heads up can save your life
29th May 2023
Did you know that two people die or are seriously injured each year in the UK when their machinery makes contact with overhead power lines? Scottish & Southern Electricity Networks is advocating for farmers to be aware of the power lines around them in an effort to keep them safe and accident-free.
If you do come into contact with an overhead line or cable, stay in your cab if it’s safe to do so and call 105 immediately, this is the free UK-wide single emergency number for power companies and is the quickest way to put you through to the correct network operator.
If the situation is too dangerous to stay put, for example, if your machinery is affected by fire, it’s advised that you leap out of the vehicle as high and as far as you can to avoid touching any part of the machinery or electricity network.
Find advice and further information on staying safe when working near power lines on the SSEN website.