Find out if your local farm takes part in today’s Open Farm Sun­day

Open Farm Sunday is back for its 18th year. Today British farmers are opening doors to their farms, encouraging the public to participate in a range of rural activities.

Open Farm Sunday is back for 18th year. Today British farmers are opening doors to their farms to the general public.
Stock photo.

The organiser, glob­al sus­tain­able farm­ing char­i­ty LEAF (Link­ing Envi­ron­ment and Farm­ing), said that the event offers a fantastic oppor­tu­ni­ty to see farming with nature at first hand.  

Visitors can learn more about farm­ing and the coun­try­side, and farm­ers the chance to talk about what they’re so proud of, British food and farming. 

Kverneland Headland News

Unique events 

The organiser added that Open Farm Sun­day is a great fam­i­ly day out, whether you are a first-time or sea­soned vis­i­tor.  

“Each event is unique, as each farm is different and every farmer too, but what they all share is a pas­sion for farm­ing and telling their sto­ry, amaz­ing exper­tise, and a com­mit­ment to farm­ing with nature as our ‘Guardians of the Earth’,” they concluded.

Some farms open­ing on Open Farm Sun­day are also LEAF Mar­que cer­ti­fied. This means that they are farm­ing regen­er­a­tive­ly, nur­tur­ing healthy soil, pro­tect­ing water, sup­port­ing nature con­ser­va­tion and enhanc­ing wildlife habi­tats.  

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Huge opportunity for farmers 

Open Farm Sunday manager, Annabel Shackleton.

Open Farm Sunday manager, Annabel Shackleton, has been offering words of support to anyone considering hosting an event.  

She said: “There’s a huge opportunity to engage with an eager audience – people are genuinely curious to see behind the farm gate. 

“Whatever the size of your event, you’ll be making a significant contribution to people’s understanding of farming and food production. By putting their stories centre stage, farmers are the true heroes of the day.” 

Find your near­est farm to vis­it here

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