Combine harvester blaze in Suffolk spread to three acres of cut crop
17th August 2023
Four appliances and a UniMog were deployed to a scene on the outskirts of Ipswich after a fire broke out inside a combine harvester.
Stock photo for illustration purposes.
Suffolk Fire and Rescue were called to a field near Ipswich yesterday (16th August) after a combine harvester fire spread to around three acres of crop.
Services were called at 4.30pm to the field in Henley Road, Akenham.
Four appliances and a UniMog were deployed to bring the fire under control, using hose-reel jets on the combine and field.
No casualties were reported but the fire generated large plumes of smoke which could be seen for some distance.
A spokesperson for the fire service said the blaze was brought under control fairly quickly and a ‘Stop’ notice was issued shortly after 6pm, indicating that the situation had been contained and no further assistance was required.
Crews may be working for some time at the site but the incident was declared closed at 10pm.