Cereals seminar programme to satisfy thirst for knowledge

Cereals has a wealth of seminars this year, with opportunities to question political leaders, players in the environmental services arena and farmers going down the regenerative agriculture route.

A place to exchange knowledge

The Main stage kicks off with a session outlining ‘Privately funded environment incentives’, with presentations on ecosystem services that provide farmers with new income to deliver greater biodiversity, protect precious species or curb pollution.

Accurate and statistically robust soil carbon measurement is fundamental to the success of everyone who is accounting for or trading soil carbon, says Annie Leeson, CEO at AgriCarbon, who will present the methods to implement affordable, auditable, and statistically robust measurement strategies at scale.

“We need to remove uncertainty in all stages of the process, from sampling strategy to sample collection, processing and analysis. Our mission is to provide confidence in soil carbon sequestration by providing a solid foundation of evidence from the field,” she says.

Farmers also have an opportunity to quiz political and industry leaders including Mark Spencer, Minister of State for Food, Farming and Fisheries, and NFU president, Minette Batters, on their thinking – from food security to trade deals, grant schemes to new technologies and everything in between. What are they doing to help shape the opportunities – and create a better future for British arable businesses?

Farming speakers will provide new insights and practical experience of the benefits of circular and regenerative farming methods. In the seminar on ‘Great soils, great crops’ soil scientists will discuss their research after keynote speaker, LEAF farmer John Renner, explains how he has improved his low-grade land to such an extent that it is now part of a high-yielding arable rotation. “I tailor soil management and fertility to individual fields and rotations,” he says. “Non-inversion tillage, added organic matter and crop selection, to enhance soil structure, are key.”

In another session on publicly funded environmental incentives, Janet Hughes, programme director for the Future Farming and Countryside Programme, will provide an update and details of the Government schemes to encourage greater biodiversity, landscape and wildlife protection.

New technology and climate change will also be key topics, while a new feature for 2023, AgAnalyst Academy: Making precision farming pay, will explore best practice in precision farming with progressive farmers, advisers, and precision technologists.

The first session looks at ‘must-see machines to help you farm more precisely’, including N-Sensors, spray nozzles, protein monitors and variable seed rate drills. Speakers include: Clive Blacker, precision technologist at AgAnalyst, Peter Millenaar, founder and precision spray innovator at BBLeap, and Mark Tucker, business development and head of agronomy at Yara.

At the new Cereals Stories Stage, inspiring farming personalities tell their stories about how they got into the industry and what they have contributed and continue to give back. Speakers include Cereals host farmer Gregor Pierrepont, discussing his family connection to the Multiple System Atrophy Trust; Olly Harrison, a farm contractor with a strong social media presence; Erin McNaught, NFU student and Young Farmers ambassador, and more.

NAAC Land Drainage Hub

In its third year, the NAAC Land Drainage Hub has proved a popular attraction. Topics include ‘UK drainage – where are we now?’ And ‘Land drainage and minimum tillage – making it work’.

With the farming industry going through an unprecedented time of change, Cereals organiser, Alli McEntyre, says there is something for everyone in the Cereals seminars. “We have gathered together the most knowledgeable in their field, including politicians, experts and farmers to give Cereals visitors a head-start in meeting today’s and tomorrow’s challenges.”

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