All good things come in threes: Triple-Shoot with the Cirrus-CC
24th September 2020
Professional crop production is faced with ever greater challenges. The withdrawal of individual plant protection agents, along with increasing resistance and extreme climatic events such as severe drought, are just
Don’t discount delaying drilling
21st September 2020
With last autumn’s wet weather significantly impacting winter cereal crop establishment, many growers will be contemplating bringing this year’s drilling dates forward into late September or early October. ADAMA’s Bill Lankford therefore examines why this strategy goes against all best practice advice for controlling black-grass populations and explains why – alongside weed mapping, rotation planning, cultivation technique and herbicide programmes – delaying drilling is still one of the key tactics for beating black-grass.
CropTec show goes digital
18th September 2020
The CropTec Show 2020 is the latest show to switch to a digital format due to Covid-19 restrictions.
Know the yield from your field
17th September 2020
Precision agriculture has seen extremely rapid growth over the last few years. Between 2018 and 2023, the global market value is expected to almost double from approximately £3.89 billion to £7.30 billion.
The UK’s first Virtual Ploughing Match, Machinery Show & Steam Rally
17th September 2020
VPlough is a fully virtual event that will allow visitors to see all the competitors work and interact with them and each other. Judging will take place on 31st October 2020 and Cash Prizes awarded to the winners.
Land Rover sells for £19K after 30 years in farmer’s barn
17th September 2020
A Land Rover that spent the past 30 years in a farmers’ barn, having been owned by the same family since it was new, received bids from as far away as New Zealand in a recent auction sale.
New gen updates and series additions across the board
15th September 2020
Following a press camp held in Germany, Fendt has announced a number of new launches as well as drawing attention to updates within existing ranges.
Arable farmer says safety app is a must-have
3rd September 2020
Melton Mowbray farmer Eric Wright explains how the Smart Farmer app offered his farm a simple way to improve worker safety. Farmers Guide also caught up with the app’s creator Marc Skivington about the range of updates on the way.
Delayed drilling still essential for black-grass control
3rd September 2020
After the sodden conditions last autumn, some arable farmers may consider drilling wheat earlier to guarantee a decent area next harvest. But threats such as grass weeds and virus carrying aphids are both more of an issue in early drilled crops. Bayer’s Darren Adkins gives his thoughts on how farmers can balance the need for wheat area with pest and weed threats.
Steve Trostler Memorial Tractor Run
2nd September 2020
Local agricultural machinery dealership, Ben Burgess Coates, is getting ready for its second tractor run, raising money for the East Anglian Air Ambulance once again.
Largest ever export order leaves Scotts for Canada
2nd September 2020
A UK manufacturer of vegetable harvesting and handling machinery has this month exported its largest-ever order.
EPG Global Launches Machine Guard Extended Warranty
28th August 2020
EPG Global, a warranty provider dedicated to the agricultural, construction and groundscare industries, has launched its new Machine Guard extended warranty.