High capacity 12m drills join premium line-up
1st January 2022
Vaderstad has announced its first 12m drills which will join its existing seeding line-up, during an online press conference in early November. David Williams reports.
Vaderstad announced high capacity, 12m seed-only, and combined seed and fertiliser drills during an online press event ahead of Agritechnica.
The new Inspire family of drills combines high work rates with precise seed placement. There are currently two models for seed-only or combined seed and fertiliser. The Inspire drills feature a high-capacity seed hopper on large transport wheels, with a 12m seeding unit at the rear, behind the main wheels and with smaller support wheels at the ends of the toolbar. They complement current Spirit drills available in working widths up to 9m, and Rapid drills which come in widths up to 8m.
Huge capacity
The seed-only Inspire 1200S has a 5,000-litre hopper, while the seed and fertiliser Inspire 1200C has a 7,200-litre split hopper which Vaderstad says is one of the largest in its class.
1.5m section control
Both versions feature eight seeding sections supplied by eight Fenix 3 metering units. On the combination drill – seed and fertiliser is combined within the same airstream after leaving the hopper. Using eight metering units means variable rate drilling is easily achieved, as well as section control to 1.5m accuracy.
Seeds are placed through proven double-disc coulters, similar to those on the Spirit drills, across the tool bar. Mounted between the two end wheels and just behind the main central wheels, the coulters follow ground undulations accurately for precise depth control.
E-Control or Isobus
Vaderstad’s E-Control through an iPad app controls the drill and there is full Isobus compatibility.
The new Inspire drills will be shown at Agritechnica in February, and deliveries will start in autumn 2022.
Meets future demands
Vaderstad UK managing director Mike Alsop said that the Inspire drill meets demand for a high-speed seeder capable of working within conventional and reduced tillage regimes. “Preparations needed before drilling will depend on the previous crop and ground conditions, but the double-disc coulters are extremely well-proven and capable of working in a wide range of soils with minimal pre-cultivation where conditions are favourable. Like the Spirit drill, the contour-following ability is excellent and drilling speeds up to 15–18kph will be easily achieved.
“Traditional 125mm row spacing allows growers to establish recommended plant populations and achieve effective weed suppression. We know our customers well and many of those farming large areas have already expressed interest in
the new drill. We have also been contacted by large-scale growers we haven’t dealt with previously, from
the Scottish Borders to the south coast who are excited at this addition to our range. The general view is that this drill meets requirements for future farming strategies rather than the needs of
the past.”
A demonstration drill is expected to arrive in the UK in time for spring drilling, and Mike said there is already a long list of customers keen to try it.
A new Tempo L Central Fill 12m maize drill with 16 or 24 rows and capable of holding 5,000 litres of fertiliser and 2,200 litres of seed provides a dramatic increase to the working capacity compared to the proven, record-breaking Tempo L drills with individual hoppers on each seeding unit.
Row widths from 450–762mm can be achieved.
Large area maize drill
Vaderstad also announced the Tempo L 16–24 Central Fill.
This uses a similar wheeled seed and fertiliser hopper arrangement to the Inspire 1200C, holding 2,200 litres of seed and 5,000 litres of fertiliser.
Vaderstad’s Tempo L holds the current world record for maize crop establishment having drilled 502.05ha accurately in just 24 hours.
Massive time savings
The central high-capacity hopper means that rather than carrying seed in individual hoppers on each seeding unit, there is only the one, hopper to fill. The Tempo’s seed distribution system then supplies each row unit, and the design will save considerable time spent filling the drill with seed, for even higher work rates.
The new Tempo L is available in 16 or 24 row widths for row spacing options from 450–762mm.
No central metering requirement
The hopper has two fans at the front, ensuring high-capacity metering of seed and fertiliser. There is no central seed metering system as each row unit regulates the amount of seed needed to supply the individual high-precision PowerShoot seed metering system on each seeding unit.
The Tempo L Central Fill will also be shown at Agritechnica, and limited numbers will be available for ordering for autumn 2022. FG