Ferobide now available online for UK farmers
22nd February 2021
Tenmat is overjoyed to announce that agricultural customers in the UK can now buy all sizes of Ferobide online.
The new online shop allows the convenience of ‘click and go’ and is designed for farming customers who already know what product and size they need, using credit or debit cards.
Ferobide is a weldable tungsten carbide plate, that can reduce wearing metal costs by 2/3 and combines a high level of wear resistance with the ease and reliability of a weld. It has proven value in agricultural applications such as seed drills, subsoilers, cultivators, ploughs, harrows, as well as on scrapers.
Visit the new online shop and buy Ferobide online here.
For industrial applications not in agriculture, please consult Tenmat technical representatives for application, and use the standard purchase methods.