Fentons of Bourne celebrates 35th anniversary with open day
25th April 2022
Family-owned agricultural, estate and turf maintenance equipment supplier, Fentons of Bourne Ltd, hosted the celebration at its head office in Kate’s Bridge near Bourne in Lincolnshire.
The open day featured working demonstrations from manufacturers including Avant, Becx, Etesia, Farmtrac, Husqvarna, Homburg, Iseki, Major and more.
Commenting on his company’s milestone, Glen Bellamy said: “We are very proud that we have reached this milestone for the business. We have survived the precarious nature of various business cycles, the latest being the Covid pandemic, but we are still here and stronger than ever.
“I think our longevity is a combination of excellent customer service, the ability to adapt in a dynamic marketplace and a dedicated and loyal staff with unparalleled knowledge of the products we represent.
“We enjoyed celebrating the last 35 years with so many of our customers and suppliers. We were particularly delighted by the surprise arrival from Holland of our suppliers Homburg Draincleaners and Becx Mechanical Hedge Trimmers and Weed Control.”
Find out more: www.fentonsofbourne.co.uk
Witham Group’s Jack Baker and Darren Smart were available to talk to visitors at the event.
Pictured (l-r) are Becx Machines’ Hanneke Hommen and Erwin Hommen, with Fentons of Bourne company secretary Helen Bellamy and director Glen Bellamy.
There were working demonstrations from companies including Avant. Pictured here are Raimo Ala-Korpi, Glen Bellamy, Helen Bellamy and Richard Jenkins.
Husqvarna’s Jana Clipsham and Justin Thompson.