Horsch drill ranges updated

Horsch has updated and expanded its ranges in the past 18 months, with advanced features not just reserved for the largest models.

Horsch direct dril pulled by tractor

Increased capacity – Horsch drill range

The new Avatar 12.25 LC drill comes as standard with a 9,400-litre triple tank that is split 50:15:35. A Horsch MiniDrill with a 400-litre capacity can also be mounted to the Horsch drill. Available as a 12m model only, the Avatar LC offers a 3,000-litre increase over the 12m Avatar SD.

The seed wagon layout increases the drilling window with the large tyre widths reducing compaction even in wet soil conditions. The double support wheels at the wings ensure low tracks and optimum adaption to the soil.

With its one-row design of SingleDisc coulters and a row spacing of 25cm, the Avatar 12.25 LC is ideal for mechanical population control and for different sowing methods, such as direct seed, mulch seed and into standing catch crops.

Thanks to the well-proven folding design, the transport dimensions are very compact with an outside width of 3m for road transport.

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Sprinter updates

Sprinter drills: The Sprinter SL and SC drills bring the latest features and innovations of the large-scale Sprinter NT drill in a more compact format suited to UK farming. The trailed 12m Sprinter 12.25 SC and mounted 6m Sprinter 6.25 SL drills feature 25cm row spacing and can be folded to the 3m transport width required for movement on UK roads.

The Sprinter 6.25 SL can be combined with the Horsch Partner FT to create a highly manoeuvrable mounted drill setup.

Sprinter coulters: Sprinter SL and SC drills are available with Horsch’s latest tine coulters. There are different seed coulter options from the Ultra ThinEdge seed coulter, that provides a 12mm wide seed band to ensure minimum of soil movement, the ThinEdge coulter with a 21mm wide seed band (ideal for sowing catch crops directly into the stubble), to the WideEdge tine seed coulter that has a 110mm wide seed band.

Sprinter SC trailed tine drill: A more compact version of the Sprinter NT, the 12m Sprinter 12.25 SC complements a 3m transport width with a 4m transport height to make it even more manoeuvrable. It is equipped with a 6,300-litre double hopper and will be available with a triple tank or additional MiniDrill options. The hopper design is based on that of the new Avatar 8.25 and can apply up to four components.

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The tines of the Sprinter 12.25 SC are hydraulically pre-stressed, with a coulter pressure up to 180kg, and can be retracted for transport. They ensure a high clearance between frame and surface as well as between the seed coulters making them ideal for direct or mulch seeding.

The tines are individually depth-controlled with a press wheel and the three-bar tine section and 25cm tine spacing offers a straw-free and clod-free sowing horizon.

Sprinter SL mounted tine drill with Partner FT front tank: The 6m Sprinter 6.25 SL is ideal for working in wetter conditions and on light and medium soils. It is highly manoeuvrable, making it easy to operate in small fields.

The tines of the Sprinter 6.25 SL are also hydraulically pre-stressed and retractable and are individually depth controlled with press wheel. The three-bar tine section and 25cm tine spacing ensures a straw-free and clod-free sowing horizon.

The Sprinter SL can be combined with either the Horsch Partner 2000 FT or Partner 1600 FT front tank to provide the metered components.

Horsch direct drill in barn entrance

New Avatar SD working widths

The Avatar 8.25 SD, 9.25 SD, 10.25 SD and 12.25 SD offer 8–12m working widths respectively and feature the popular 25cm row spacing. The 3–8m Avatar SD models are available with 16.7cm row spacing, with the 8m available in both, allowing the Avatar SD to meet a wider set of customer requirements regarding farm or tractor size.

The models feature a versatile triple tank system with a capacity of 6,400 litres. The triple tank offers
a 60:10:30 split in capacity while a double-tank option with a 60:40 split is also available.

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Pronto 3-6 DC drills

The 3–6m models can now be specified with the MiniDrill as an additional third tank to extend the tank capacity by 400 litres. Additional extensions for the single hopper machines and MiniDrill versions allow operators to use another tank for underseed, microgranular compounds or slug pellets, for example, to increase efficiency and reduce passes.

MiniDrill versions are equipped with a separate fan and distributor tower and another placement horizon. A total of nine MiniDrill versions are available for flexibility and individualisation, with up to four components placed on up to three horizons.

Versa KR drill

This is the first mechanical drill made by Horsch. The SmartClip metering system is an electrically driven metering system on the countershaft and offers huge flexibility when working with different row spacings and tramlines.

Different row spacings can be chosen based on 12.5 and 15cm can be selected thanks to the individual connection of the metering devices, they can be easily adjusted individually and without any tools.

The 900-litre seed hopper capacity of the basic machine can be extended in two steps to a total capacity of 1,500 litres. The double disc coulter, DuoDisc, has specifically been designed for the Versa line and is equipped with the well-proven components of the TurboDisc seed coulters and ensures an exact and even placement of the seed.

Visit the website to find out more about Horsch.

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