Lambing roadshow to be hosted in 2025, offering advice for sheep farmers 

A series of lambing advice events will be held in the UK in 2025 with a focus on ewe nutrition and body condition scoring. Independent sheep consultant Nerys Wright will speak at each of the events to offer advice and highlight the benefits to farmers of improving ewe performance and lamb health.  

A series of lambing advice events will be held in the UK in 2025 with a focus on ewe nutrition and body condition scoring.
Stock photo.

The expert said that using farm production data, scanning results, lamb growth rates, and ewe performance, she will explain how ewe health has never been more important.  

Miss Wright, who will be supported by livestock health specialist Nettex, said that the events will focus on good nutrition, and using body condition scoring as a management tool in the run-up to lambing. 

The free-to-attend events will provide insight into managing the last six weeks of pregnancy and how careful monitoring of ewe nutrition can improve both ewe and lamb health.  

Miss Wright said: “Managing both energy and protein levels at a critical time of pregnancy is crucial to the success of lambing and the health of newborn lambs. I will cover how much energy ewes need, how much is likely to be provided by feed and forage and how any gaps can be filled. 

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Nettex & Rumenco Lambing Roadshow 

The expert suggests that both rumen degradable protein (RDP) and digestible undegradable protein (DUP) are indicators that contribute to ewe health before and after lambing.  

She said: “Assessing ewe condition, using body condition scoring, is a topic I covered in my PhD. I have models demonstrating the BCS scale of 1 to 5 that I can share with those who attend the events.  

“Ensuring ewes don’t mobilise too much bodyfat, to the detriment of future performance, means that supplements may be worth investing in.” 

The talk, which will last approximately 45 minutes, will also cover the impact of lamb performance in the first 8 weeks following birth.  

“Ewe condition will have a significant impact on the weight of lambs in those early weeks. If managed well, it will also play a part in how well ewes recover from pregnancy and weaning to prepare for next season,” Miss Wright concluded. 

The Nettex & Rumenco Lambing Roadshow will take place at The Down Inn, Ludlow Road, Bridgnorth, Shropshire WV16 6UA, on 15th January 2025, 6.30pm for 7pm start. 

Those wishing to attend should RSVP before 8th January.  

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