EAE vaccine now available following supply shortages

Following the arrival of new vaccine stocks, sheep farmers tupping late in October are being encouraged to vaccinate their flocks against EAE (enzootic abortion of ewes) to protect the health and welfare of their ewes and prevent abortions during lambing.

Recent stock challenges for the EAE vaccine Cevac Chlamydia announced earlier this year have now been resolved, and farmers can now vaccinate ewes against the disease as follows:

  • The vaccine can be used no later than four weeks before the rams go in
  • Shearlings (one year plus) and older can be vaccinated within four months before tupping
  • Ewe lambs can be vaccinated with Cevac Chlamydia from five months of age

Roy Geary, regional director for Northern Europe at Ceva Animal Health, which manufactures the vaccine, said: “While we realise that the temporary delay of Cevac Chlamydia has been inconvenient to our valued sheep farmers we would like to thank them for their patience and support during this challenging time.

“The vaccine supply is now available in the UK for the latter end of the season. Farmers tupping later in October should therefore vaccinate their flocks to protect their ewes from this devastating disease.”

Fiona Lovatt BVSc PhD, past president of the Sheep Veterinary Society and RCVS recognised specialist in sheep health and production, added: “It has been such a challenge recently to get hold of the vaccines and this has been incredibly frustrating for both sheep farmers and their vets.

“So, it is really very good news that there is new EAE vaccine stock available and it should be just about in time for those tupping later in October.”

She reminded farmers that an outbreak of EAE comes with devastating consequences and vaccination is critical to preventing the disease.

To order Cevac Chlamydia or for information on EAE and vaccination, speak to your vet or go to www.enzooticabortion.co.uk.

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