Bird flu outbreak confirmed in Herefordshire

A case of avian influenza H5N8 has been confirmed in broiler breeder chickens near Leominster in Herefordshire – the third outbreak to affect kept birds in the UK so far this year.

A case of avian influenza H5N8 has been confirmed in broiler breeder chickens near Leominster in Herefordshire – the third outbreak to affect kept birds in the UK so far this year.

A 3km (Area A) and 10km (Area B) Temporary Control Zone have been put in place around the infected premises. Details of the measures that apply in the Temporary Control Zone can be found in the Declaration of a Temporary Control Zone (Avian Influenza).

Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N8 was also confirmed on the 2nd November at a premises near Frodsham, Cheshire. A 3km Protection Zone and a 10km Surveillance Zone have been put in place around the infected premises.

On the same day, low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI) H5N2 was confirmed at a premises near Deal, Kent. A 1km low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI) Restricted Zone has been put around the premises.

An investigation is underway to understand the origin of the disease in each of these cases.

Surveillance of wild birds carried out by the Animal and Plant Health Agency found that wild geese near Stroud in Gloucestershire and swans near Dawlish in Devon tested positive for highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N8. In addition, a wild goose near Weymouth in Dorset  tested positive for H5N8 (pathogenicity yet to be determined).

Following these confirmed cases and increasing reports of avian influenza affecting flocks in mainland Europe, the risk level for avian influenza incursion in wild birds in GB was raised from ‘medium’ to ‘high’ on the 6th November.

The risk level for the disease being introduced to poultry premises in GB was also raised from ‘low’ to ‘medium’.

Chief vets from England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are urging bird keepers across the UK to maintain and strengthen their biosecurity measures in order to prevent further outbreaks of avian influenza in the UK.

Further information:

You can check if you are in a disease control zone on APHA’s interactive map.

Any signs of avian influenza should be reported to Defra Rural Services Helpline on 03000 200 301.

Poultry and game bird keepers should follow APHA’s biosecurity best practice advice.

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