New breeding values for abattoir traits to improve ram selection
25th April 2023
With the aim of improving the choice of top-performing rams throughout the UK, AHDB’s Signet Breeding Services have launched new breeding values for abattoir traits, which will form an integral part of the National Terminal Sire Evaluation going forward.
“Deep concern” over pig disease threat after import checks revelation
21st April 2023
The National Pig Association has said it is shocked and deeply concerned after a revelation that insufficient import controls have resulted in meat being sold by UK retailers that poses a “serious and immediate” disease threat to the UK pig industry.
Improvements still needed in livestock vaccination, NOAH says
21st April 2023
As farmers face pressure to reduce environmental impact and antibiotic usage, the National Office for Animal Health is sharing vaccination best practice on World Animal Vaccination Day.
Tickets on sale for BFREPA Live 23: The Free Range Egg Show
21st April 2023
Tickets have gone on sale for a brand new event for free range egg producers. BFREPA Live 23: The Free Range Egg Show will take place on the 15th November at the Telford International Centre.
Accession to CPTPP could help boost exports of UK pork to Mexico
20th April 2023
Joining the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) could open up further avenues for UK pork exports heading to Mexico, with Latin America and the trans-Pacific region also on the horizon as possible export destinations.
Cargill Animal Nutrition shifts to sustainable soya in pig and poultry diets
20th April 2023
As part of its sustainability strategy, Cargill Animal Nutrition UK has replaced the soya sources in its pre-starter and starter pig and poultry diets with its Triple S soya, which is sourced from deforestation-free areas in Latin America.
Timing is key to making the most of Defra Pathway funding
19th April 2023
Sheep farmers are being encouraged to make the most of funding from the Defra Animal Health & Welfare Pathway by choosing an appropriate time to carry out the Worming Treatment Check, such as when there are lambs at pasture that require treatment, said SCOPS independent sheep consultant Lesley Stubbings.
Genus ABS breeds top five polled sires with sustainability focus
18th April 2023
UK-based cattle genetics company Genus ABS has performed strongly at the April proof evaluation, receiving credit for 12 of the top 25 genomic £PLI (Profitable Lifetime Index) sires, as well as all top five homozygous polled sires.
Dorset Horn and Poll Sheep Association’s National Show returns for 2023
17th April 2023
The Dorset Horn and Poll Dorset Sheep Association’s National Show has fast become a success and drawn breeders from across the country since its calendar debut – and this year will be no different.
Use Blowfly Forecast to assess your farm’s risk level
17th April 2023
Sheep farmers are being encouraged to take advantage of Elanco’s Blowfly Forecast to monitor fly populations in their area and develop a control plan ahead of rising temperatures.
Bale grazing as a cost saving and environmental solution explored in new trials
17th April 2023
New Innovative Farmers research is investigating the use of hay bales for winter mob grazing in a bid to boost soil health, biodiversity and animal welfare while cutting housing and labour costs.
Protect your flock in the blowfly season ahead
13th April 2023
Due to changing weather patterns in the UK and Ireland, blowfly season is now starting earlier, lasting longer, and becoming increasingly difficult to forecast. To help farmers prepare for the upcoming season and minimise the risk of fly strike, the British veterinary organisation NADIS (National Animal Disease Information Service) offers some advice.