Genetic technology project to improve dairy cow performance enters next phase
7th September 2023
The EPIHERD project led by Antler Bio was awarded a Smart Grant from Innovate UK to develop a platform for dairy farmers to access epigenomic data on their herds to better understand and improve cow performance.
Cattle housing – 3 top tips to prepare
7th September 2023
As we head into the colder months, Farmers Guide offers three top tips to prepare for housing cattle this season – from building maintenance and farm safety, to animal health and nutrition.
Carbon emissions take centre stage at Bath & West Dairy Show
6th September 2023
Practical ways to lower carbon emissions will take centre stage at this year’s Dairy Show, where farmers can expect the latest advice, research and tools to help them on the path to net zero.
TB conference to promote collaboration across industry
6th September 2023
Returning for its second year, the National TB conference is a platform for farmers and industry stakeholders to come together and discuss the challenges of bovine tuberculosis (bTB) and the barriers that remain towards a disease-free future.
Pork retail performance falls but prices stay the course
6th September 2023
As of July, primary pork products including steaks, roasting joints and mince, have been knocked off the best-performing red meat spot as consumers opt for more affordable proteins in an attempt to save money.
Research warns of new avian flu strain that could be passed on to humans
5th September 2023
Scientists fear a new strain of the avian influenza virus discovered in China could spark the next global pandemic as a recent study reveals mutational changes that could increase the risk of the virus infecting humans.
Stockperson Plus scheme returns to help challenged pig sector
4th September 2023
A series of advanced workshops for pig workers is set to return this October for the first time in four years to address the growing challenges and responsibilities in the pork industry.
Farmers warned about elevated coccidiosis risk in UK flocks
1st September 2023
Despite improvement to overall intestinal health in flocks across the UK, coccidiosis prevalence is still higher than 2021 levels, and poultry farmers are advised to ramp up biosecurity on their premises to achieve good disease control over the winter.
Variable grass quality warrants greater attention on calf nutrition
30th August 2023
A dry start to the summer followed by a wet July means farmers in the North East need to take a close look at calf nutrition over the next few months, according to Steven Eddie, ruminant nutritionist at East Coast Viners.
Third GB Calf Week to launch at UK Dairy Day
30th August 2023
The third consecutive GB Calf Week will be kicking off at the UK’s largest dairy industry event on 13th September, with a series of on-farm and virtual events promoting responsible dairy calf management.
Producing more for less: Multispecies swards show exciting potential for livestock sector
30th August 2023
Research carried out by UCD’s School of Agriculture and Food Science has shown that significant cost savings are possible when using multispecies swards for grazing livestock, which can yield up to 25% more herbage and lead to quicker finishing times.
Beware of disease risk when buying in replacement stock
29th August 2023
The National Sheep Association (NSA) is urging sheep farmers to consider disease risk when buying in replacement stock and take the necessary precautions to prevent their flock from becoming infected.