Bovine TB: New general licence hailed a “win-win” for farmers

Defra and the Welsh Government have introduced a general licence to cover the movement of TB restricted cattle to an AFU or slaughterhouse.

Thriving orange markets provide a valuable lifeline to dairy farmers

TB-restricted or orange markets have been increasing in numbers and popularity, providing farmers with TB-affected herds a vital avenue to get a fair price for their dairy-bred calves, thereby supporting the aims and priorities of the GB Dairy Calf Strategy.

Farmer behaviour critical to controlling livestock disease outbreaks, study shows

New research by the Universities of Warwick and Nottingham has revealed how differences in farmer behaviour, particularly around vaccination uptake, can influence the outcome of livestock disease outbreaks.

Campaign aimed at farmers and vets looks to promote healthy feet in sheep

Led by the Sheep Antibiotic Guardian Group (SAGG), the #HealthyFeetHappySheep campaign launched last week (7th September) aims to educate vets and farmers on all aspects of sheep foot health and signpost the industry to the latest resources.

Farmers advised to be on the lookout for ragwort and hemlock poisoning

Following ragwort and hemlock poisoning cases reported in cattle and pigs by the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA), AHDB is urging farmers to make sure they are familiar with the signs of toxicity and be on the lookout for poisonous plants in their fields.

Sheep farming event says ‘Time waits for no man’ when it comes to diversification

Those who attended the National Sheep Association (NSA) Northern Region event last Friday had their eyes opened to the opportunities and potential pitfalls of ways to diversify sheep farming enterprises.

Pig numbers in England reported as lowest in a decade

The latest figures from Defra have revealed total pig numbers in England have fallen by half a million this year, hitting the lowest levels seen since 2011 at 3.63 million head.

Plan for balanced winter rations now to ensure optimum milk production

With mixed silage quality experienced this year, dairy farmers are being encouraged to start planning for winter feeding early to ensure consistency across rations and achieve optimum milk yields.

Early pregnancy diagnosis in cows benefits the environment and the pocket

Early pregnancy diagnosis (PD) in cattle has huge potential to improve business efficiency, reduce emissions and maximise profitability, says Robert Ramsay, agriculture specialist at SAC Consulting.

New animal feed mill given planning consent

A new 50.2m tall animal feed mill will be built in Suffolk, after district councillors approved a planning application from British Sugar Plc and AB Agri Ltd.

Optimising post-calving health vital to prevent ketosis in dairy cows

With cows being at increased risk of disease in the first month post-calving, farmers are being urged to act now to prevent milk losses due to ketosis and transition-related disease.

Changes to sheep dipping Code of Practice promote safe use of OP dips

Sheep dipping contractors, farmers and prescribers are being urged to make themselves aware of the latest updates to the Mobile Sheep Dipping Code of Practice, which aim to ensure the ongoing effectiveness and safe use of organophosphate (OP) dips in the UK.

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