Jersey cows: Doing things differently

Having bought their first Jersey herd from the late Queen Elizabeth II, Graham’s Family Dairy has since seen huge demand for its Jersey milk products.

Advanced breeding: The key to improving efficiency?

Whilst often associated with ‘elite’ farming, advanced breeding techniques can significantly improve farm efficiency and reduce carbon footprints.

Greece announces nationwide restrictions to tackle ‘goat plague’ outbreak 

Authorities in Greece have ordered nationwide restrictions for goats and sheep to tackle a deadly outbreak. 

Beef experts share practical advice for a changing world

A series of recent roadshows in Scotland discussed the challenges facing beef farmers and how to overcome them.

Farmers warned of potential risk to livestock posed by fusarium and ergot in grain 

UK livestock farmers have been warned of the potential risk to their animals posed by two types of fungi in grain. 

Devon dairy farm finds answer to its mastitis problem

A bedding additive has allowed one dairy farm to reduce environmental mastitis, from over 25% of the herd affected to 6%.

British White cattle fit into farmer’s CS plans

After the withdrawal of BPS, George Kershaw introduced British White cattle to his farm, as part of their Countryside Stewardship scheme.

Lidl announces £1.5bn investment in British beef farms

Lidl has committed to invest £1.5 billion into the British beef industry over the next five years. 

Wormer resistance: What can we learn from NZ?

After working with New Zealand sheep farmers who are battling high levels of wormer resistance, vet Kaz Strycharczyk shares his findings.

Tesco trials methane-reducing feed supplement for dairy cows

Tesco has announced its partnership with a Cheshire-based farm to trial a methane-reducing feed supplement for dairy cows. 

Is your farm offering five-star accommodation for flies?

Did you know that the lifecycle of a fly is dependent on temperature, and farms offer the ideal five-star accommodation for breeding flies?

Ancient wild goat from Northumberland added to rare breeds watchlist

A wild herd of Cheviot goats from Northumberland has been added to a watch list of rare breeds. 

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