Vineyard using sheep fleece as mulch could make shearing worthwhile
1st March 2023
Sheep farmers could soon see a fair price being paid for their wool if the wider horticulture industry is to adapt the revolutionary practice of Gwinllan Conwy vineyard, where sheep fleeces are being used to ripen grapes more fully and create higher quality wines.
UK red meat exports soar to unprecedented heights
22nd February 2023
The value of UK red meat exports has reached record levels in 2022, amounting to a staggering £1.7 billion, partly due to the rising prices of meat throughout last year.
‘Significant changes’ to gross margins as a result of Ukraine conflict, handbook shows
19th October 2022
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has led to a significant rise in input costs for both the livestock and arable sectors in the UK, hitting livestock gross margins particularly hard due to the high cost of feed, the new Farm Management Handbook shows.
Grassland management at the forefront of Aberdeen Angus system
17th November 2021
At the award-winning Trefnant Hall Farm, making the most of every sward is the priority for creating a profitable beef and sheep enterprise.
Day-release prisoners “not the best solution” for labour shortages, BMPA warns
26th August 2021
Recent proposals to plug the industry’s workforce gap with prisoners and ex-offenders, should not be seen as a “quick fix”, the British Meat Processors Association (BMPA) has said.
Red Tractor asks farmers to help shape future standards
5th January 2021
The UK’s leading farm assurance body, Red Tractor, is urging farmers to engage in a consultation on how its farm standards should evolve.
Young British wool enthusiast wins prize to help growing business
4th January 2021
The National Sheep Association (NSA) is delighted to announce the lucky recipient of its recent prize giveaway is enthusiastic young shepherd Siony Rudd from Maesgarthbeibio Farm, Mid Wales.
Home markets thriving amidst port disruption
4th January 2021
Livestock farmers urged to work with auctioneers and be aware of demand.
JAN 2021
Mixed farmer reaps rewards of environmental grants
27th December 2020
Over the past three years, a Derbyshire farmer has successfully capitalised on over £15,000 of funding from Severn Trent’s environmental schemes, to protect water quality and improve farm efficiency.
New report highlights key to success for Scottish livestock farmers
8th December 2020
Improving economic and environmental sustainability is key to the success of Scotland’s livestock industry, according to a new report by Quality Meat Scotland (QMS).
Grass-based system going for gold
8th December 2020
Salisbury farmer Mark Hoskins is one of six dairy businesses in the running for the 2020 NMR/RABDF Gold Cup. Farmers Guide finds out more.
Government must rethink balance on new Trade Commission, say vets
21st October 2020
The British Veterinary Association (BVA) has written to International Trade Secretary Liz Truss to raise serious concerns over the balance of expertise on the new Trade and Agriculture Commission, pointing to the fact that only one member of the 16-strong group is a veterinary surgeon.