Livestock auctions mark ‘significant rise’ in turnover with jump to £2.2 billion
21st May 2024
The popularity of live auctions continues to grow, with last year’s turnover reaching over £2.2 billion.
New data reveals ‘erosion of British poultry supply chains’ since Brexit
30th April 2024
The British Poultry Council commented on the latest data from HMRC, saying that the 56% drop in poultry meat exports since 2020 underscores the cost of Brexit.
First Milk announces further milk price increase
3rd April 2024
First Milk has just announced that its milk price will increase by 0.75p per litre starting next month.
Muller announces milk price increase for April
8th March 2024
Milk supplier and distributor Muller has announced a price rise for its farmer suppliers, starting in April.
Significant improvements noticed in herd health and milk quality
15th January 2024
Farmers have made significant improvements in dairy herd fertility, production, and somatic cell counts, according to the National Milk Records’ latest Key Performance Indicator (KPI) report.
Penalty notices introduced for animal health and welfare offences
12th December 2023
Offences include keeping animals in a poor living environment, repeated overdue TB testing or breaching avian flu housing orders.
Dairy farmers “caught in crossfire” as financial pressures intensify
24th August 2023
With the gap between farmgate milk and retail prices promising no let-up and high input costs putting significant strain on the sector, British dairy farmers are facing a tough six months ahead, the Royal Association of British Dairy Farmers (RABDF) has warned.
First UK sheep embryos shipped to the US in 35 years
23rd August 2023
The first UK ovine embryos have been shipped to the United States following the lifting of a long-term ban in 2021 on sheep and lamb imports from countries previously affected by BSE.
Vets call for greater support for dairy farmers as milk prices plummet
8th August 2023
In a letter to MPs, farm vets from VetPartners are calling on the government to address the volatility of the milk market at a time when farmers are facing increased labour costs and the price of fuel, equipment, energy and rents have risen.
Dairy industry business course opens for applications
4th August 2023
The industry-renowned dairy course ‘Entrepreneurs in Dairying’, run by the Royal Association of British Dairy Farmers (RABDF) and sponsored by HSBC UK, is set to return this October and is open to anyone interested in a career in the dairy sector.
Buyers learn about sustainable British red meat at Great Yorkshire Show
18th July 2023
More than 10 buyers from Asia, the Middle East and North America met farmers and UK exporters at the Great Yorkshire Show to learn about high-quality meat production in the UK and discuss new trade opportunities.
Livestock farmers will soon need vet signed declarations to export to EU
11th July 2023
From 13th December 2023, UK livestock farmers who are not members of an approved farm assurance scheme will need to provide a veterinary attestation following an annual farm visit in order to be able to export animal products to the EU.