Planning your winter calf pneumonia vaccination programme
27th September 2021
Bovine respiratory disease (BRD) or calf pneumonia, is caused by several factors including infection with viruses and bacteria. Prevention is key, as treatment incurs significant costs in terms of medicines, labour and production – understand more about the importance of vaccines with Zoetis.
Pioneering venting tech offers faster milking and better yields
27th September 2021
ADF Milking’s InVent (Intelligent Venting) system won the new product competition at this year’s Dairy Day (15th September).
Optimise forage utilisation by stimulating rumen activity with forage supplements
21st September 2021
Livestock producers looking to make the most of grazed forage can increase intake and digestion by 10% when supplementing pastures with a nutrient-rich forage supplement, says Dr Alison Bond, nutritionist for Rumenco.
Classical BSE confirmed on Somerset farm
21st September 2021
A single case of classical bovine spongiform encephalopathy has been confirmed on a farm in Somerset, the Animal and Plant Agency has confirmed.
South Devon show and sale to take place in October
16th September 2021
The South Devon Society’s Autumn Show and Sale will be held at Worcester by McCartneys on Tuesday, 5th October, with pedigree bulls and heifers from a wide selection of top breeding herds.
New success for Gladis’ Law campaign
13th September 2021
The Gladis campaign hails success as new government Bill clamps down on livestock worrying.
Badger culls extended to seven new areas
8th September 2021
Natural England has issued licences for badger culling in seven new areas of England in 2021 – Hampshire, Berkshire, Staffordshire, Worcestershire, Oxfordshire and two areas in Shropshire.
Number of Approved Tuberculin Testers continues to grow
5th September 2021
More than 100 people from across the agricultural community have now qualified or are in training to become an Approved Tuberculin Tester (ATT) of cattle, reports UK Farmcare.
Farms share advice on finding the right milking system
3rd September 2021
Working to the conditions of the land was a top priority for Cornish farmer Tom Jones, who is hopeful that a new milking system will reduce the farm’s milking time to 2.5 hours. Meanwhile, for Welsh farmers Leo and Giles Rowland, reliability and technology were top of the list when they installed the UK’s first Centrus Composite Rotary System.
Welsh dairy co-operative announces record profits of £3.4M
2nd September 2021
A leading Welsh dairy co-operative has delivered a record year with operating profits of £3.4 million on sales of £61.5 million.
New report reveals carbon footprint data from almost 2,000 dairy farms
20th August 2021
The collective findings of the carbon footprints of 1,964 UK dairy farms have been released by the farmer owned cooperative Arla Foods as it reveals how its farmers are using data to drive down the carbon footprint of its milk.
‘Landmark ruling’ for farming as complaints over healthy eating campaign dismissed
18th August 2021
Complaints about the AHDB’s ‘We Eat Balanced’ advertising campaign have not been upheld by the Advertising Standards Authority.