TB conference to promote collaboration across industry
6th September 2023
Returning for its second year, the National TB conference is a platform for farmers and industry stakeholders to come together and discuss the challenges of bovine tuberculosis (bTB) and the barriers that remain towards a disease-free future.
Variable grass quality warrants greater attention on calf nutrition
30th August 2023
A dry start to the summer followed by a wet July means farmers in the North East need to take a close look at calf nutrition over the next few months, according to Steven Eddie, ruminant nutritionist at East Coast Viners.
Third GB Calf Week to launch at UK Dairy Day
30th August 2023
The third consecutive GB Calf Week will be kicking off at the UK’s largest dairy industry event on 13th September, with a series of on-farm and virtual events promoting responsible dairy calf management.
Dairy farmers “caught in crossfire” as financial pressures intensify
24th August 2023
With the gap between farmgate milk and retail prices promising no let-up and high input costs putting significant strain on the sector, British dairy farmers are facing a tough six months ahead, the Royal Association of British Dairy Farmers (RABDF) has warned.
Funding helps North Wales artisan cheese maker expand operations
23rd August 2023
Dr Carrie Rimes, a former grassland ecologist turned artisan cheese-maker, recently hosted minister Lesley Griffiths on her new award-winning sheep milk dairy in Bethesda, Gwynedd, which was realised through government funding and support from the local council.
Milk price “not sustainable”, farm vets warn MPs
23rd August 2023
Vets from the VetPartners group are lobbying their MPs to address the volatility of the milk market, as a time when farmers are facing increased costs.
Good maize potential this year – but avoid costly harvest mistakes, experts warn
22nd August 2023
Dairy farmers have an opportunity this year to clamp decent tonnages of quality maize silage, which could be a useful buffer with uncertain milk prices. But it will be crucial to avoid the top three most common harvest pitfalls.
Two key benefits of introducing roasted pulses to dairy cows’ diet
19th August 2023
In line with Somerset-based Godminster Farm’s ethos: ‘nature repays those who treat her kindly’, Pete Cheek who has been in charge of the farm’s 300 organic dairy herd for more than 25 years, is working with McArthur Agriculture to replace imported soya bean meal from the cows’ diet with home-grown and roasted pulses.
Mycotoxin risk: Trial demonstrates benefits of inoculant
18th August 2023
Taking steps to manage microbiota in maize silage this season will reduce the potential for costly mycotoxin problems at feed-out, according to Lientjie Colahan, technical sales support at Lallemand Animal Nutrition.
Rising number of dairy farmers set to stop producing milk, survey finds
16th August 2023
British dairy farmers are being forced to think seriously about their future due to concerns about insufficient returns, volatile markets and the scale of on-farm investment required.
Unlock your herd’s breeding potential at upcoming AHDB workshops
12th August 2023
The Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) are launching a new dairy breeding and genetics campaign, hosting multiple workshops to help farmers access and analyse their dairy herd’s genetic potential.
Novel footbath detergent shortlisted for new product award
11th August 2023
The latest addition to Neogen’s range of footbath chemicals, Hoofshield Advance, has been shortlisted for a new product award and will be featured on the company’s stand at UK Dairy Day.