Dairy-Tech 2025, an event aimed at all dairy farmers, with a focus on new products and innovations in the industry and technical learning, has gathered about 300 exhibitors and thousands of visitors.
Dairy-Tech 2025 is taking place today, 5th February.
The event is taking place today, 5th February, at Stoneleigh Park in Warwickshire.
The organisers confirmed that Dairy-Tech 2025 is set to showcase ground-breaking technology, becoming the platform for new product launches, introducing the latest innovation and services, as well as delivering a wide variety of speaker sessions addressing the key topics affecting the industry.
Farmers Guide representatives, director Greg Goulding, deputy editor & livestock editor Sarah Kidby, sales executive Robie Marshall, and sales executive William Taylor are in attendance to bring our readers the latest news.
Farmers Guide director Greg Goulding, deputy editor & livestock editor Sarah Kidby, sales executive Robie Marshall, and sales executive William Taylor are attending Dairy-Tech 2025.Leaders of the AHDB, NFU and RABDF were grilled by audience members about the future of Red Tractor following the recent damning farm assurance review, among other hot topics.Paul Tompkins, NFU Dairy Board chair sat down with Farmers Guide to talk about the latest stage in its campaign against changes to IHT. A letter signed by organisations from the dairy supply chain was sent to the Treasury today.
ADF Milking ran a competition at the show to win one of its automatic dipping and flushing systems.Greencrop was showcasing its new microfilter which it believes is unique in the market and is the next step after slurry separation, filtering to 25 microns to avoid spray nozzles getting blocked. Zoetis has been speaking to farmers about Protivity, its new vaccine for M bovis which can be administered to calves from seven days of age. Pictured: product manager Jo Bailey and national vet lead Ally Ward.
Delaval’s Edwin Cragg explained some key features on the VMS V300 automatic milking system, including DeLaval Plus, an AI system which provides farms with key data, including, importantly, disease risk.Nettex was giving away samples of its Fresh Calver product, while Progiene offered samples of its Adaptarap dissolvable bandages.