Three cases of foot-and-mouth disease detected in Slovakia

Three cases of foot-and-mouth disease have been confirmed close to the Slovakian and Hungarian border. The cases were identified in three separate premises housing cattle. 

Three cases of foot-and-mouth disease have been confirmed close to the Slovakian and Hungarian border, Defra confirmed.
Stock photo.

The UK government had already taken action to prevent the commercial import from Slovakia of cattle, pigs, sheep, goats and other non-domestic ruminants and porcines such as deer and their untreated products. Defra said that this move aims at protecting farmers and their livestock.  

Since 8th March, travellers to Great Britain have not been able to bring meat, meat products, milk and dairy products, certain composite products and animal by products of pigs and ruminants, or hay or straw, from Hungary and Slovakia after a case on the Hungarian border with Slovakia.  

The UK chief veterinary officer is urging livestock keepers to remain vigilant to the clinical signs of FMD following the recent outbreaks in Hungary, Germany and now Slovakia. There are no cases in the UK currently.    

FMD poses no risk to human or food safety, but is a highly contagious viral disease of cattle, sheep, pigs and other cloven-hoofed animals such as wild boar, deer, llamas, and alpacas. Livestock keepers should therefore be absolutely rigorous about their biosecurity.   

FMD causes significant economic losses due to production losses in the affected animals as well as loss of access to foreign markets for animals, meat, and milk for affected countries.  

READ MORE: Foot-and-mouth disease: UK introduces import ban of cattle, pigs, sheep and deer from Hungary and Slovakia

READ MORE: Foot and mouth disease outbreak confirmed in Germany

READ MORE: Foot-and-mouth disease outbreak: UK bans livestock imports from Germany

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‘We need to stay on high alert’

UK chief veterinary officer Dr Christine Middlemiss said: “Foot-and-mouth disease has now been confirmed in Slovakia. We remain in contact with our European counterparts to understand the latest situation.  

“We have seen a disturbing number of foot-and-mouth cases on the continent, and we need to stay on high alert to the risk of disease incursion – as a government, at the border and on our farms. 

“Protecting animal health and minimising the risk of disease incursion remains our top priority. Livestock keepers are reminded to continue exercising the upmost vigilance for signs of disease, follow scrupulous biosecurity and report any suspicion of disease immediately to the Animal and Plant Health Agency.”  

Farming Minister Daniel Zeichner added: “The confirmation of a foot-and-mouth disease in a third European country is a serious concern. The government will take whatever action is necessary to prevent the further spread of disease.    

“Ensuring the safety of our livestock sector and protecting our farmers will always be a top priority.”  

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What you can do    

If you are an animal keeper, read about how to spot foot and mouth disease and report it.    

If you are an importer or exporter, read about the import restrictions for foot and mouth disease.    

Clinical signs to be aware of vary depending on the animals, but in cattle the main signs are sores and blisters on the feet, mouth and tongue with potentially a fever, lameness and a reluctance to feed. In sheep and pigs, signs tend to manifest with lameness with potential for blistering.     

While horses and companion animals are not susceptible to FMD, hay feed or straw bedding, if sourced from an infected area, could act as a fomite and therefore also prevented from entering GB.  

Maintaining good biosecurity is essential to protecting the health and welfare of herds and critical to preventing the spread of diseases such as FMD and preventing an outbreak spreading.    

Foot and mouth disease is a notifiable disease and must be reported. If you suspect foot and mouth disease in your animals, you must report it immediately by calling:    

  • 03000 200 301 in England     
  • 0300 303 8268 in Wales     
  • your local  Field Services Office in Scotland    

For more information, visit: Imports, exports and EU trade of animals and animal products: topical issues – GOV.UK 

READ MORE: Yorkshire: Influenza of avian origin (H5N1) confirmed in a sheep

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