Farmers urged to take steps to prevent botulism this season

Ruminant Health and Welfare has issued a botulism alert to farmers after rocketing fertiliser prices resulted in more poultry litter being used on grass crops.

Social media debate prompts reminder on legal requirements for calf feeding

As farmers face severe cost pressures, the Ruminant Health & Welfare group has issued a reminder of the legal requirement to provide calves with at least two milk feeds a day until 28 days of age.

High potential for blowfly strike this autumn

Sheep farmers are being warned of a continued blowfly strike risk this autumn, with the likelihood of a period of mild and wet weather.

Lameness control during winter housing

With the change in underfoot conditions and increased lameness risk at housing, daily footbathing of cattle is recommended. Vet, veterinary pharmacologist and adviser to Provita Ltd, Dr Tom Barragry, explores the benefits of a proven alternative to copper sulphate and formaldehyde.

Q&A: Poultry health at housing

This month, avian vet Suzy Brown, of Avivets in Cheshire, offers advice on optimising the health of housed poultry this winter.

Online tool helps cattle and sheep farmers cut antibiotic use

Northants beef farmer Mark Jelley (pictured) has seen strong reduction in his farm’s use of antibiotics and been able to identify key herd health issues, with the help of his

Scottish dairy farmer scoops top spots in August DWP heifer proof run

A Scottish dairy farmer has ranked top in the August 2022 genomic proof run for UK Holstein females ranked on Dairy Wellness Profit (DWP).

Dry weather increases worm egg counts in livestock

Unexpectedly high worm egg counts in livestock are being seen in areas experiencing drought, prompting experts to warn farmers to test their stock. Sheep farmer Peter Baber who farms at

Defra lifts avian flu prevention zone

Chief vet urges bird keepers to maintain strict biosecurity measures until further notice.

Plan ahead to help balance both beef and sheep health plans

It can be challenging for mixed enterprise farmers to stick to herd and flock health plans throughout the year. However, vet Emily Brown, of Marches Farm Vets, offers a number of practical suggestions to help balance the two, working closely with your vet.

Could better liver fluke control reduce methane emissions?

As well as offering welfare and efficiency benefits, recent research has shown improving disease control could reduce greenhouse gas emissions by as much as 10%. Norbrook veterinary advisor Douglas Palmer offers advice on liver fluke testing and treatment, and the wider benefits of a good control programme.

Red alert for high worm egg counts as warm, wet weather persists

Sheep farmers are advised to be on their guard against Nematodirus and stomach worms as warm and wet weather sees egg counts spike.

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