Steve Reed asks for help developing “overdue” land use framework 

Farmers have been asked to share their views on the land use framework, as Defra secretary Steve Reed launches a 12-week consultation.

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The government has today (31st January) launched a consultation to develop the first-ever comprehensive Land Use Framework for England.

This will give decision makers the data they need to protect the most productive agricultural land, Defra says.   

Defra secretary Steve Reed said: “[…] I’m asking for your help to shape the first-ever comprehensive Land Use Framework for England.”

He added: “Today we are launching a 12-week consultation, that will be supported by workshops and roundtables around the country.

“Bringing together farmers, landowners, businesses, planners – everyone involved in how we use our land.

“We’ll be asking for your views on a future vision for the land, what our policies on land use need to include, and what you need to realise that vision.”

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Fears over “prescriptive” framework

Country Land and Business Association (CLA) president Victoria Vyvyan raised concerns that the framework could become too “prescriptive”.

She said: “Today, the framework might be light touch, but tomorrow it won’t be. 

“Government must build safeguards into the policy to prevent mission creep, or else it is entirely possible that in years to come, the man from the Ministry will be telling farmers what they are and aren’t allowed to grow, plant and rear on their land.

“That will be unacceptable.”

She stressed that the framework must not stifle farming, environmental innovation, rural development or business diversification. 

“To be most effective, the framework should remain separate from planning policy, with links made through the Local Nature Recovery Strategies (LNRSs) currently being developed across the country,” she continued. 

Government must also listen to and collaborate with land managers, and the review must be evidence-based.

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“Massively overdue”

Efra Committee chair Alistair Carmichael MP welcomed the launch of the consultation, and the news that Defra will engage with farmers and landowners – but noted that it’s long overdue.

“Farmers need to be able to plan ahead and they and other stakeholders have long called for clarity amidst a myriad of often conflicting demands,” he added.

“The Framework is long overdue but now is an opportunity for the Government to produce a coherent plan for land use across England and it is vital that the Government hears the voices of those who stand to be directly affected and heeds their views as it designs the Framework.”

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Roland Bull, head of rural investment at Bidwells agreed that the reforms are “massively overdue”. 

He added: “For too long, the UK’s land use strategy has been short-sighted and driven by the wrong priorities that have undermined food security, energy needs, and environmental restoration.”

Spatial data must be better exploited to inform land policy and regulation, he added. 

“This new approach could finally bring some logic to the system, protecting our best farmland while making space for housing, renewables, and nature where they make the most sense.”

The real challenge, according to Mr Bull, isn’t knowing what should happen, it’s making it happen. 

“Will this framework cut through bureaucracy and deliver real change, or get stuck in red tape? Execution will be the real test, done right, this could transform how we plan for the future.”

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Industry has “taken a battering”

NFU president Tom Bradshaw noted the serious challenges farming has recently faced.

“Over the past 18 months, the UK farming industry has taken a battering,” he commented.

“Volatile input costs, commodity prices on the floor in some sectors, a reduction in direct payments, one of the wettest periods in decades, and a brutal Budget delivered by this government. 

“All have left their mark and have put homegrown food production under serious pressure.”

He said it’s “imperative” that the framework does not restrict farmers’ ability to produce food even further.

He stressed the importance of investment to ensure farming continues to contribute to the government’s economic growth ambitions. 

NFU is also asking for targets for British food production to ensure trade policy does not undercut British farmers with cheap imports. 

“Above all, we need transparency, engagement and a government that is willing to listen. Only then will we get a land use framework that delivers for consumers, for the environment and for British agriculture.”

NFU will examine the consultation in detail and ensure its members have the opportunity to feed back. 

To respond to the consultation, visit:

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