Ministers accused of “stalling” over temporary campsites decision
9th June 2023
A new funding package to boost the rural economy fails to mention the future of permitted development rights, a camping specialist has said.
Defra announces latest round of FETF funding
8th June 2023
Over £30 million has been made available to farmers and foresters for equipment and technology under the Productivity and Slurry budget.
AHDB seeking four new sector council members
8th June 2023
Positions are open for three-year terms on the Beef & Lamb, Cereals & Oilseeds, Dairy and Pork sector councils.
New initiative launches plan to fight farm fires this harvest
4th June 2023
Fire and Rescue Services across the Thames Valley have joined forces with NFU Mutual and the NFU to launch a new six-point plan to fight farm fires this harvest.
NAAC launches safety campaign urging ATV users to wear a helmet
2nd June 2023
The National Association of Agricultural Contractors (NAAC) is launching a social media campaign to raise awareness of the importance of wearing a helmet when riding a sit-astride ATV and is inviting farmers to share photos where they are wearing a helmet with the hashtag #wearitandshareit.
Pea-based gin a “game-changer” for climate-friendly drinks
2nd June 2023
Growers at a farm in Angus have developed an award-winning gin which reduces reliance on synthetic fertilisers and is grown, harvested, and distilled on site.
Farmers more likely to seek financial advice and invest in the future, survey shows
1st June 2023
Latest research from NFU Mutual has shown farmers and other agricultural workers are more likely to be proactive in the face of current economic challenges such as high inflation by seeking financial advice and exploring investment opportunities.
New guidance on delinked payments creates fairer system for farm buyers
31st May 2023
Farm buyers are now eligible to claim delinked payments on recently purchased land, provided they made a valid BPS claim in 2023, the latest guidance from Defra has revealed.
Collaborative research highlights practical ways farmers can adapt to climate change
30th May 2023
With the frequency of extreme weather events on the rise, there is an increasing need for agriculture to build resilience against climate change, which has been the focus of research carried out by ADAS and the Met Office Hadley Centre to identify ways farmers can adapt their practices to the changing climate.
Farmers! A quick heads up can save your life
29th May 2023
Did you know that two people die or are seriously injured each year in the UK when their machinery makes contact with overhead power lines? Scottish & Southern Electricity Networks is advocating for farmers to be aware of the power lines around them in an effort to keep them safe and accident-free.
Upgrade fire precautions ahead of harvest, insurer warns
26th May 2023
The cost of agricultural vehicle and machinery fires was up by 35% in 2022, according to NFU Mutual.
ELMS: “Huge uplift” to support for upland farmers
26th May 2023
Changes to ELMS will offer improved access for upland farmers, as well as improved options under Countryside Stewardship for 2023.