Farmers call for people to buy local, seasonal produce during pandemic

A sustainable food supply chain in the UK has never been more crucial, particularly to help farmers provide healthy and sustainable food, and to protect wildlife and the environment.

Dairy industry join together to manage milk supply

The government will temporarily relax elements of UK competition law to support the dairy industry through the coronavirus outbreak. 

Sulky re-starts production after Covid-19 shutdown

Sulky Burel has re-started production of its fertiliser spreaders and seed drills at its French factories, after a three-week shutdown due to Covid-19 restrictions.

Public urged to ‘support small cheesemakers’

Britain’s specialist cheesemakers and retailers have joined forces to urge the public to ‘support small cheesemakers’ as the Coronavirus crisis threatens to wipe out the previously thriving industry.

New website connects independent businesses with those at home

Your Local Delivered is a free-to-use online community of pubs, restaurants, grocers and more, set up with one goal – to connect local, independent businesses with those at home during this global crisis.

First blowfly strike cases of 2020 reported

The first cases of blowfly strike in 2020 have been reported in several locations in the UK via the Elanco Blowfly Strike Tracker.

Dairy industry unites behind calls for urgent government action to save sector

Appeals for urgent government action to save the dairy industry have been backed by the entire supply chain, including UK farming unions, RABDF, Dairy UK and the Provision Trade Federation.

Remote monitoring can play a key role in maximising performance

Producers needs to consider alternative solutions to minimise non-essential farm visits and maintain high biosecurity levels while continuing to maximise bird performance.

Aldi launches new British Wagyu steaks

Famed for its rich, buttery flavour and melt-in-the-mouth tenderness, Wagyu is highly prized around the world, but now you can recreate the fine dining experience at home with Aldi’s offering, for under £8.

JCB opens part of factory to help in NHS PPE production

JCB and a team of volunteer employees have set up mini production lines to come to the aid of the nation’s NHS heroes in need of personal protective equipment.

“Every farm is unique, so its security should be too”

Offering his top tips for farm security, James Doel of Active Farm Solutions, says one of the biggest challenges is that every farm is unique, so every security system must be unique too.

High-tech solutions protect farmers from crime

North Yorkshire-based security firm Cubtech was launched just over a year ago after business owner Lee Turner moved to the village of Slingsby and learned from local farmers about the high level of rural crime the industry faces.

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