Improve welfare with innovative data analysis and Smart Poultry Sensors
17th September 2020
UK poultry production standards require agribusinesses to monitor their poultry housing conditions. Smart Poultry Sensors make this easier by allowing egg producers, pullet rearers and broiler growers to monitor their operations with real-time data.
RTK Farming goes nationwide and launches new hand-held device
17th September 2020
RTK Farming has taken its service nationwide due to popular demand, as well as launching a new hand-held device that farmers can take on the tractor or walk the fields with. We caught up with RTKF consultant PJ Walker to find out more, and spoke to Syngenta’s Henry Papworth, who has been using the hand-held device for three months.
Farmers wanted to take part in agri-tech market research
17th September 2020
When Agri-tech start-up Cropsafe wanted to gather feedback from farmers on their new app, they approached Field Mouse Research, a market research and recruitment agency based in Mid Wales.
Know the yield from your field
17th September 2020
Precision agriculture has seen extremely rapid growth over the last few years. Between 2018 and 2023, the global market value is expected to almost double from approximately £3.89 billion to £7.30 billion.
New gen updates and series additions across the board
15th September 2020
Following a press camp held in Germany, Fendt has announced a number of new launches as well as drawing attention to updates within existing ranges.
Contracts consultation is once in a lifetime opportunity to change dairy sector for the better, says NFU
15th September 2020
Flexible and innovative regulation of dairy contracts will help ensure the sector’s sustainability and improve the way dairy farmers and processors work together, the NFU said today.
Anpario records double digit sales and profits increase
13th September 2020
Anpario plc, the international producer and distributor of natural animal feed additives for animal health, nutrition and biosecurity, saw sales rise 13 percent to £16.2m and a 24 percent improvement in adjusted EBITDA to £3.4m in the six months to 30th June 2020.
NSA welcomes Welsh Government pledge to increase use of British wool
12th September 2020
The National Sheep Association (NSA) has today welcomed the news that the Welsh Government has announced its commitment to consider using more British wool as a natural insulation product in Wales’ public buildings.
Sexed semen sales outstrip conventional
11th September 2020
For the first time farmers are buying more sexed dairy semen than conventional semen according to a recent AHDB survey of breeding companies.
#BackBritishFarming: MPs and consumers show their support for British farmers
9th September 2020
MPs are donning wheatsheaf badges to show their support for Back British Farming Day today (9th September), as the NFU warns now is the last chance to for politicians to put their words into action and ensure future trade deals support British agriculture.
Farmers warned to ‘pin it or pen it’ as tech savvy GPS thieves continue attacks
8th September 2020
Farmers are being warned to ‘pin it or pen it’ when it comes to expensive tractor GPS systems as the countryside continues to be targeted by tech-savvy criminal gangs.
Exhibitor Demand for Dairy-Tech 2021 Sees Over 70% of Stand Space Sold
8th September 2020
Business demands for Dairy-Tech 2021 are high with over 70% of the stand space already being booked up by existing exhibitors before going on general release.