Omnia hits 1000 users
14th August 2020
Omnia the revolutionary precision agronomy software tool launched by Hutchinsons in 2014 has just registered its 1000th user.
Saving time and money with real-time alerts and monitoring
31st July 2020
Making a farm as profitable as possible requires expert decision making. A Cornish agri-technology business is now making that much easier, by giving farmers access to real-time data and alerts to base their decisions on.
From tractors to TikTok – Webinars explore building farm brands
21st July 2020
Two fun and fast-paced webinars will explore the importance of building a brand for your farm and guide you through the steps to achieve this.
App transforms dairy herd feeding
16th July 2020
The Cowconnect app package for weighing and feeding transforms how you feed your cows, and mixes a daily ration matched to changing levels of herd performance.
Affordable technology to revolutionise your farm
16th July 2020
Stated to be “the app farmers have been waiting for”, Fieldmargin collates mapping, issue tracking, field work, inputs and reporting into one place.
“Herdwatch NextGen has transformed the way we farm”
16th July 2020
Having made a name for itself by saving farmers hours a week on paperwork, Herdwatch has now released its NextGen app, which brings a range of new features, as well as being even faster and easier to use. It is the best performing and most cost-effective farm software in the UK and Ireland.
How to log machinery checks the easy way
16th July 2020
Faulty vehicles and machinery have been noted as key reasons for farm deaths and injuries in the past, which underlines the importance of finding simple, effective ways to ensure vehicles and equipment are well-maintained.
Remote digital agronomy from your mobile
16th July 2020
Increase productivity, save time, manage costs and risk with RHIZA’s mobile app.
Drones speed up crop walking
16th July 2020
Skippy Scout is a crop monitoring application that uses drones to automatically capture images to offer arable farmers vital broad acre crop insight.
Record your own livestock online
9th July 2020
Innovative new product Cloud Lines allows anyone from home breeders and smallholders to breeding societies and organisations of all sizes to keep full, accurate records of their breeding programmes.
Taking the stress out of running a pedigree herd
9th July 2020
Cambridgeshire farmer Helen Parr says using the Herdwatch app to manage her herd of 170 cattle, has taken the stress out of her work and given her back time with her family.
Trackers on tractors increase theft recoveries in Scotland
23rd June 2020
Increased use of tracking security devices on tractors and quad bikes has helped Police Scotland recover stolen farm machinery worth hundreds of thousands of pounds.