Sell your produce at markets, shows, festivals and from the farmyard
6th August 2020
Utilising fridge trailers is the best way to keep large-scale produce fresh. Offering greater flexibility and functionality, fridge trailers are great for the transportation and selling of produce at outdoor markets, shows, festivals or straight from farm.
Many farms now see farm shops, local food delivery, on-farm butcheries and event hosting as a good option to generate extra revenue. Therefore, the requirement for large-scale cold storage suddenly becomes necessary.
To maintain freshness and prevent spoilage, it is essential that farmers keep their produce chilled in storage and during transit.
Utilising fridge trailers is the best way to keep large-scale produce fresh. Offering greater flexibility and functionality, fridge trailers are great for the transportation and selling of produce at outdoor markets, shows, festivals or straight from the farm. ColdTraila‘s fleet of fridge and freezer trailers (for sale or to rent) increase opportunities for many farmers, meaning that they can offer fresh and honest produce almost anywhere across the country.
Offering up to 2,000kg of storage in up to 20 cubic metres of space, many trailers have the capacity to cater for a vast number of guests – meaning that providing sufficient food and drink at large events such as outdoor weddings and festivals becomes significantly easier. Its range of Chill-Tow trailers, like many top-of-the-range chillers, are fitted with heavy-duty chiller capabilities, including surplus cooling power and rapid temperature recovery.
These trailers are also designed with energy efficiency in mind, making them a more sustainable option – and therefore popular within the farming industry.
At Coldtraila, the trailers are always available for short-term rental, which is ideal for farmers who do not own a trailer and need somewhere to store fresh produce for an event. Trailers can also come in handy for farmers who sell their produce on the road – for both small shows and large-scale events.
They have a new catering trailer launching soon, available in a range of sizes and specifications enabling customers to fit them out in any way they wish. These are hard-wearing, easy to operate trailers suitable for a range of uses in various locations.
Another diversification opportunity for farmers to consider is the rental of these mobile fridges and freezers. ColdTraila have maintained great relationships with customers who have brought a trailer from them to subsequently hire them out. This nationwide network means they can pass work on to the relevant people dependant on the customer’s location and demands. If you are someone who could be interested in this type of venture, ColdTraila would be more than happy to discuss options with you.
For more information please visit or contact Annabel Pushman on 01684 311811/ email