Unlock your land’s potential with a campsite
8th February 2022
The demand for UK camping holidays has never been higher. With the promise of simpler holidays, surrounded by nature and all the benefits it brings to wellbeing, tens of thousands of families have ensured campsites up and down the country are booked for months in advance.
Are pumpkins for more than just Halloween?
29th October 2021
Pumpkins might still be seen as a quintessentially American crop, but the last 30 years have seen their slow, steady rise in the UK arable sector. This rise has led to a now booming industry providing diverse income for farms across the UK.
Diversified farms could benefit as holidaymakers look for dog friendly options
24th October 2021
Ninety-five per cent of dog owners are looking to take their pet on holiday, research from leading rural insurer NFU Mutual has revealed, providing farms with hospitality diversifications a potential market boost.
Could wind make your electricity for you?
18th October 2021
Producing off-grid electricity from the wind can be an ideal power source in rural locations, to contribute to your power requirements or offset consumption from the grid. FuturEnergy explains how to get started.
Miscanthus finance and end-user offtake agreements assist UK decarbonisation
14th October 2021
Farmers considering planting the carbon negative crop Miscanthus can now benefit from a finance package to cover virtually all upfront costs for crop establishment, as well as new direct, long-term offtake agreements with end-users, with 10–15-year index-linked annual returns.
Power Purchase Agreements for diversifying into power generation
14th October 2021
If you’re a farmer who produces more energy than you use, you’ll have the opportunity to sell your excess power back to the grid as a source of revenue. A Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) could help you achieve best value by agreeing to sell to a third party, often at a fixed price and for a set period.
Landowners approached by developers: Option or Promotion Agreement?
6th October 2021
Nick Harper FAAV MRICS, managing director of Hawkspur – specialists in option and promotion agreements for landowners – offers his advice.
Diversification: Where to begin
1st October 2021
As diversification becomes increasingly important to rural businesses, James Whilding, managing director of Acorus Rural Property Services Ltd, offers advice on potential barriers and how to get started.
Opportunities to set up a distillery or microbrewery
13th September 2021
If you are looking to start a new diversification project, Brew-School owner Chris Horne says farmers have a built-in advantage when it comes to brewing and distilling businesses.
Getting started with solar
1st September 2021
Whether you want to make the most of your existing solar tech, or you’re looking to diversify into renewables to improve your green credentials but not sure where to start, you’re not alone.
AUG 2021
Glamping business booming as staycation trend continues
15th August 2021
After months of lockdown and a degree of ongoing complexity around overseas travel, the staycation market continues to thrive, says Glampsan general manager Jon Trelfa, who offers advice on a key aspect of all glamping businesses – waste.
AUG 2021
Combining regenerative ag with diverse income streams
14th August 2021
Ben Taylor-Davies, aka RegenBen, spoke at Groundswell this year. He discussed how the main focus of his farm is giving something to the next generation.