Agroforestry and biodiversity: overlooked drivers of agricultural production
14th October 2022
At an online event hosted by Trinity Global Farm Pioneers, expert speakers discussed how agroforestry and biodiversity can help drive agricultural production and explored the barriers to uptake among farmers. Henrietta Szathmary writes.
Diversification in an uncertain world
3rd October 2022
In uncertain times, Rural Asset Finance is seeing more and more farmers looking to diversify into green energy. While traditional banks which may balk at the idea of loaning money for new enterprises that have not been tried and tested, Rural Asset Finance explains an alternative funding option that is available to diversifying farmers.
A guide to selling renewable electricity
30th August 2022
The UK is on a journey from fossil fuels to a renewable future. Drax provides a guide to creating revenue for your farm by generating and selling your own renewable electricity.
Huge potential for significant financial returns for renewable generators
22nd August 2022
A report published by energy offtaker, Limejump, highlights the opportunities for farmers to generate significant returns from small scale renewable energy assets.
Finance: Keeping the glass half full
4th April 2022
In times of significant uncertainty, it could be difficult for farming businesses to access the finance they need from traditional banks. Rural Asset Finance explains the different paths available to farmers and how its non-traditional approach provides access to funds for a wide variety of projects.
Everything you need to know about diversifying into camping in 2022
2nd April 2022
The staycation boom is here to stay – in fact, it’s stronger than ever, says outdoor accommodation expert – providing a tempting diversification opportunity for farmers.
There’s never been a better time to bring your diversification vision to life
28th March 2022
During challenging times for traditional farming and with sustainability and de-carbonising high on the agenda, more and more UK entrepreneurial landowners are looking at alternative ways to generate extra revenue streams. Rural diversification company Appetite Me explores the benefits of setting up a farm shop and provides a guide to getting started.
Working together to sequester residual carbon
28th March 2022
Any successful net zero strategy needs a reliable and trustworthy partner, and CarbonStore reckons it is ideally placed to help farmers navigate the flourishing market for carbon credits generated by planting home-grown trees in the UK.
Outdoor accommodation provider backs calls to reinstate 56-day Permitted Development ruling
16th March 2022 is backing a Yorkshire MP in his quest to boost the UK’s rural economy. Earlier this week, Robert Goodwill, MP for Scarborough and Whitby, called on Housing Secretary Michael Gove to reinstate the right for farmers and landowners to operate pop-up campsites for 56 days each year without applying for planning permission.
Suffolk farm’s diversification brings local community together and boosts farming business
3rd March 2022
Suffolk’s Hog & Hen farm shop and café has provided a hub for the local community, whilst supporting the farming family’s arable and pig enterprise. Farmers Guide visited the shop to chat to the team about their farming methods and experience starting a new diversification through the pandemic – alongside the myriad challenges facing British farmers.
Considering setting up a glamping site and don’t know where to start?
23rd February 2022
Do you have a patch of land you are currently eyeing-up, with the idea of setting up a glamping site, but don’t know how to begin? Here, we look at the initial stage of setting up a glamping business and the factors to consider, featuring useful advice and tips from the book “How To Set Up a Successful Glamping Business and Get Fully Booked”.
Bespoke timber buildings built to last
23rd February 2022
Farmers looking to find an alternative revenue stream from their land are being urged to consider setting up an eco-friendly holiday-let business by log cabin construction company, Timberspecs.