Is diversification the key to unlocking the value of your land?

Now there are easy ways to assess the potential of your farm for a range of future uses, explains Addland.

solar panel farm

With many farmers being impacted by strong headwinds, everyone from small-scale operators to large estates is grappling with the question: “Should I diversify operations to unlock value and provide multiple revenue streams?”

Perhaps a shift towards energy production with a number of hectares dedicated to solar panels? Or a change in flora and fauna to restore part of your land and create new diverse habitats as part of providing BNG units for developers, whilst retaining food production over the most fertile land?

However, in today’s fast-changing business, it can be difficult to find the time to explore the suitability of your land for alternative uses.

That’s where a service to simplify land and property data can be invaluable, Addland explains.

Understanding the potential of your business 

Addland is a digital platform with tools you can use immediately to quickly understand the potential of your business.

A single digital destination where you can undertake due diligence, the service aggregates all the information you need instantly in one place for initial viability assessments, giving you the time to analyse and digest the results to determine suitability, the company says.

The platform can help with everyday research where you can look at all neighbouring titles and determine what projects, such as a switch to solar production, have a positive planning precedent, or identify change of agricultural use to residential conversion for redundant buildings.

The platform allows you to:

  • Identify site designations and boundaries
  • Assess environmental considerations – flood zones, ancient woodland etc
  • Determine local planning precedents
  • Checking ownership details
  • See agricultural data from soil grades to nitrate vulnerable zones
  • Understand local topography visually
  • Check local energy sources and infrastructure
  • Find BNG units nearby.

Confident decision making 

All data is the same as if you’d visited multiple sources including HM Land Registry, Defra, Environment Agency, Rural Payments Agency, and Ordnance Survey, Addland says, including:

  • Environmental considerations
  • Valuation comparables
  • Planning applications
  • Agricultural data
  • Terrain maps
  • Infrastructure details
  • Energy/power locations.

See everything visually

With a simple-to-use map-based interface, combined with the production of instant reports for any registered title, you can find the answers to your questions in no time, according to Addland.

Complex layers of detail from all the different sources are combined in one easy-to-understand layout. Plot and map out any restrictions you may have by turning on the visual data layers for SSSI, SPA, SAC, public rights of way and many more.

Plus, you can even view it in 3D to give a true representation of the land.

Find or promote land for sale

The platform also showcases land sales. Having built a strong relationship with farmers, agents and landowners Addland is trusted to connect buyers and vendors. So, whether you’re looking to relocate, expand, or unlock capital from your farmland, Addland has you covered.

Access anywhere

You can access Addland on a laptop or your mobile device so whether you are at your desk or out in the field, you’re always connected to the latest information.

Bringing land to life

As the largest dedicated land platform, Addland says it lets farmers and landowners unlock the potential of their land. Quickly, easily, and confidently. Visit for more information.

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