Farmers invited to workshop on rainwater harvesting and funding opportunities

Farmers and landowners are being invited to a free event in Kent to learn more about rainwater harvesting and associated funding opportunities on Friday 3 March, at Marden Cricket and Hockey Club in Tonbridge.

Led by South East Water, in collaboration with Kent Wildlife Trust, Southern Water and Catchment Sensitive Farming (CSF), the workshop will supply farmers seeking sustainable funding opportunities with a wealth of practical information and guidance.

The event will commence with a series of presentations, followed by a visit to a beef farm where attendees can see first-hand rainwater harvesting systems that South East Water and CSF have part funded.

The panel of expert speakers presenting on the day will include:

  • Al Stewart, surface water lead at South East Water
  • Robin Kelly, Southern Water’s catchment risk management officer
  • Alexa Murray-Mujtaba, farmer cluster officer at Kent Wildlife Trust
  • Lou Carpenter, local farmer and Marden Farmer Cluster member, will be on hand to facilitate a discussion around what farmers are looking for, when it comes to external advice and funding
  • Trayton Pont and Helen Davies, from CSF will clarify current government support packages on offer for farmers and growers.

Together, the speakers will highlight the range of support and advice their organisations offer and explain why they are so keen to work in partnership with local farmers.

Speaking about the upcoming workshop, Mr Stewart says that South East Water wants to provide farmers with support and solutions that benefit water quality and quantity, the local environment and farm productivity.

“By joining forces with other local experts, we’re pooling our resources and knowledge to provide a collaborative and holistic approach to improving both water resources and the environment. Not only will the event provide farmers with advice and funding opportunities, it’ll also demonstrate how storage and nature-based solutions can help build up resilience of supply for people and the environment.”

BASIS recognition
BASIS CPD points will be available for members attending the day.

Book online
For further information, or to book online, please visit: Funding and support for sustainable and resilient farming Tickets, Fri 3 Mar 2023 at 10:00 | Eventbrite

Further dates for the diary
Save the date for the next South East Water event which will be on 30th March.

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