Farm diversification: How to create revenue by increasing farm footfall

If you’ve ever looked into trying to find new ways to get more people to visit your farm, you’d know that most ways to grow your business will often require an upfront investment of some kind. But there is a zero-cost way that you can market your farm to a large, new audience: by becoming a Brit Stops host.

diversify farm income campsite

What is a Brit Stops host?

Brit Stops is a scheme for motorhomers to explore the UK. When they purchase Brit Stops, they get one year of unlimited stopovers at 1,100+ Brit Stops locations, including pubs, vineyards, aires, farm shops, and other varied businesses too.

Motorhomers are always looking for great places to stop while on the road, and your farm can be one of them, the company says. Brit Stops is a well-established scheme that has been operating for over eight years and has over 26,000 users.

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What are the benefits?

By inviting motorhomers to your farm, Brit Stops says you can reach its large audience, based throughout the UK and Ireland. “Our members are always looking for lovely spots to stay overnight and, as most of them are retired couples, they often have disposable income to spend at the farm shop. We also manage our members with a recognised code of conduct, so you won’t have anyone setting up an awning or hanging their washing out!”

Visitors should not be under any obligation to buy, but the company has found that nine out of 10 Britstoppers end up spending some money with its hosts. They’ve saved their campsite fees and usually need to top up the fridge or have dinner. Depending on the time of year and how many spaces you have available, you might see anywhere from 1–10 motorhomers a week, which can really drive extra custom, Brit Stops suggests.

How do I become a Brit Stops host?

Becoming a host is easy. There are no fees or contracts and the sign-up is simple. A detailed entry on the Brit Stops website/app is free to hosts. No facilities are needed and it costs you nothing. All you have to do is offer Brit Stops members a one-night free stopover in your car park.

Sign up to become a Brit Stops host.

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