Author Posts: Farmers Guide
Nearly £40,000 raised for TB-stricken dairy farmer on Clarkson’s Farm
3rd March 2023
Emma Ledbury, who lost half of her dairy herd to TB last year, was overwhelmed by support from Clarkson’s Farm fans and resolved to donate some of the funds to the mental health charity RABI (Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution).
DeLaval dealer T H White expands territory with new Norfolk depot
2nd March 2023
To support dairy farmers on the eastern side of the UK, T H White has opened a new base in Attleborough, Norfolk, extending DeLaval territory from Wales to the east coast.
Vineyard using sheep fleece as mulch could make shearing worthwhile
1st March 2023
Sheep farmers could soon see a fair price being paid for their wool if the wider horticulture industry is to adapt the revolutionary practice of Gwinllan Conwy vineyard, where sheep fleeces are being used to ripen grapes more fully and create higher quality wines.
Michelin introduces new size for its SprayBib CFO range of tyres
1st March 2023
Following the launch of the MICHELIN SprayBib CFO (Cyclical Field Operation*) in 2022, a new dimension has now been added to the range – the MICHELIN SprayBib CFO VF 710/60 R46. Designed for self-propelled sprayers, it is the first very-low-pressure flotation tyre in the MICHELIN SprayBib CFO range.
Five top tips to help year-end tax planning for estate and farm businesses
1st March 2023
The end of the tax year is not far away and there is still the opportunity for rural businesses to make best use of 2022/23 tax allowances and to be in the best position for the start of the next tax year. The Land and Rural Practice Group at Saffery Champness has produced these top five seasonal tax planning tips for farmers and rural businesses.
Kubota approves low-emission paraffinic fuels for diesel engines
1st March 2023
Machinery manufacturer Kubota (UK) Ltd has approved use of the paraffinic fuels HVO (Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil) and GTL (Gas To Liquid) for all its diesel engines in an attempt to lower the environmental impact of its agricultural, turf and construction machines.
Reversing the trend of excluding small farms from subsidy: An update across Four Nations
28th February 2023
At Oxford Real Farming Conference (ORFC) 2023, policy campaigners from The Landworkers’ Alliance (LWA) and the Irish equivalent body Talamh Beo provided an update on what small farmers can expect from future subsidy payments across the four UK nations.
Farmers should take steps to reduce wormer use this lambing season
28th February 2023
The Sustainable Control of Parasites in Sheep (SCOPS) group is encouraging sheep farmers to use the monitoring of ewe body condition score as a practical step to significantly reduce how many doses of wormer are administered this lambing season.
A quarter of UK dairy farms sampled are responsible for 49% of the sector’s total antimicrobial use
28th February 2023
The latest Antimicrobial Focus Report from Kingshay shows a quarter of UK dairy farmers from those sampled are responsible for 49% of total antibiotic usage in the sector.
New applicator “improves PCN control and reduces product wastage”
27th February 2023
Replacing an aging, and often unreliable farm-built nematicide applicator with the Terracast GR, an applicator specifically designed for precision placement of nematicide, starter fertiliser and cover crops has enabled Cheshire-based potato farmer Zak Stanier to (not only) improve the accuracy of his previous system but also widen potential use of the farm’s new applicator to include sowing cover crops and placing starter fertiliser.
A first for the nation as two poachers banned from owning dogs
24th February 2023
Two men have been banned from owning or keeping dogs for three years under new legislative powers designed to target poachers.
Tramspread offers low-cost solution to looming splash plate ban
23rd February 2023
Slurry specialist Tramspread has set out to help farmers reduce the cost of complying with the government’s Clean Air Strategy that will impose a nationwide splash plate ban in 2025 by retro-fitting dribble bar and trailing shoe applicators to tankers.