Author Posts: Farmers Guide
PGRO pulse field day shows visitors the latest research
26th July 2016
Pulse growers, advisers and members of the trade attended the PGRO Pulse Field Day at Stubton, near Newark, at the end of June to see the latest pulse research and Recommended
Foot rot disease a growing concern for UK soil health
26th July 2016
Dr Lea Wiesel, PGRO Plant Pathologist, warns that foot rot diseases of peas can have major impacts on yields. Infected plants are yellow in colour, may be stunted, and plants
Highland Show launch for exciting new side-by-side UTV
8th July 2016
Choosing the Royal Highland Show for the UK public launch, Polaris has introduced the Polaris GENERAL which they describe as ‘the most versatile side-by-side ever built’. Starting with a 100
Trend bucked with increased global sales
8th July 2016
SDF has announced a 15% increase in its global sales (€1,390million) for 2015 compared with 2014.
AEA tractor sales figures show growth
8th July 2016
Figures published today (9th June) by the Agricultural Engineers Association make cheerful reading for the industry. The number of tractors (exceeding 50hp) registered during May was up 14.4 per cent
Celebrations at Harsewinkel
8th July 2016
The 50,000th Lexion has rolled off the Claas assembly line in Harsewinkel. During its 21-year success story, the high capacity Lexion combine harvester has become the flagship of international agricultural
Limited supply of seed treatment warning
7th July 2016
With Galmano (fluquinconazole) only available until June 2017, growers should be aware that stockists’ supply for the winter wheat seed treatment will be limited over the coming months. “Those winter
Target black-grass in OSR to safeguard subsequent wheats
7th July 2016
Growers must target a minimum of 97% black-grass control in autumn-sown oilseed rape crops simply to maintain the status quo. Anything less will result in increasing Black-grass populations, leaving subsequent
Protect early rapid growth for a blight free season
7th July 2016
This season’s late planted potato crops, which have been slow to get going in cool soils, are expected to compensate with rapid growth as soon as conditions warm up. The
Addressing the increasing challenges of OSR desiccation
7th July 2016
With the climate as unpredictable as it’s proving to be, correct glyphosate use will be vital for the most reliable and effective oilseed rape desiccation this season, stresses Roundup technical