Author Posts: Farmers Guide
Seed treatment re-think required
31st May 2019
As a result of neonicotinoid bans, growers may have to re-think their cereal agronomy strategies and use of seed treatments to ensure the best possible establishment and vigour this autumn, reports Heather Briggs.
Breeders deliver low bolters in new beet list
31st May 2019
Seven new varieties have been added to the BBRO/BSPB 2020 Sugar Beet Recommended List; Advena KWS and Smart Janninka KWS from KWS UK, BTS 4100 from Limagrain UK and Vixen, Conger, Puffin and Lightning from SESVanderHave UK.
Grassweed Action : Battling against bromes
31st May 2019
Bromes are the next national grass weed threat to come under Barrie Hunt’s integrated management spotlight in the fourth in our series of articles.
McCormick X7 Series four-cylinder tractors in Scottish debut
31st May 2019
New additions to the McCormick X7 tractor series are planned to make their Scottish public debut at the Royal Highland Show.
Jeremy Clarkson swaps Ferraris for farming in new show
28th May 2019
Clarkson is swapping his ‘need for speed’ for the ‘need to conserve’ as he publicly works his 1000-acre carbon neutral arable farm, Diddly Squat, following recent calculations regarding the planet’s dwindling food supply.
Oilseed rape gross margins remain head and shoulders above other break crops
24th May 2019
New analysis of the predicted gross margins for winter break crops shows oilseed rape remains the most profitable.
Film binding innovation on tour
23rd May 2019
Live demonstrations of KUHN Farm Machinery’s patented film binding system are being staged across the country over the summer months, providing many opportunities for farmers to see the award-winning technology in action.
Prof Klaus Hoehn receives Grashof Commemorative Medal
23rd May 2019
Professor Dr-Ing habil. Klaus Hoehn has been honoured with the Grashof Commemorative Medal for his contribution to the development of future technologies.
One crop has seen demand grow by 500% across Europe
23rd May 2019
Since the passing of the Cannabis for Medicinal Use Act, demand for quality, safe medicines has grown by over 500%, and it’s projected to double again.
Deadline reminder for Countryside Stewardship Scheme application packs
21st May 2019
Farmers have just days left to submit a request for a Countryside Stewardship Scheme (CSS) mid-tier application pack if they want to apply for an agreement starting on 1 January 2020, according to land and property specialists Strutt & Parker.
IDEAL combine from Massey Ferguson receives Platinum A’Design Award
21st May 2019
Massey Ferguson, a worldwide brand of AGCO (NYSE:AGCO), is honoured to win the Platinum A-Design Award in the Agriculture, Horticulture and Fisheries Design Award Category.
Don’t neglect fungicide programmes and timings
21st May 2019
Even in times of low disease pressure late season fungicide programmes need to be well planned and timely is the advice from Hutchinsons technical director David Ellerton.