Author Posts: Farmers Guide
Four-point plan for choosing the right cover crop
27th August 2019
Sowing a cover crop after harvest can be a great way of improving soil health and facilitating spring cropping, providing it is carefully tailored to field requirements, crop rotation and other site-specific conditions.
Germany tour on offer for early spreader orders
27th August 2019
Purchasing an Axis 40.2 EMC or 50.2 EMC fertiliser spreader in early September 2019 could come with an all-expenses-paid trip to Germany, courtesy of Kuhn Farm Machinery.
Knight launches ‘TopTill’ seedbed finisher
27th August 2019
Knight Farm Machinery is launching the TopTill – a new seedbed finishing cultivator – which will receive its first public demonstration at the Tillage 2019 event on September 4th.
Wet harvest threatens crops – but they can be salvaged
27th August 2019
Persistent rain through August has left large acreages of cereals still unharvested across the UK, with many growers worried they will have to sacrifice crops.
Machine Mart’s New Autumn / Winter Catalogue
27th August 2019
The new Machine Mart catalogue is packed full of all the tools and equipment you need whether it is for a hobbyist, DIY enthusiast or professional.
Blight trials target application techniques
27th August 2019
In such a challenging season for potato blight, application techniques have shown the potential to make a significant difference in preventing disease infection and maintaining a cleaner, greener crop canopy.
New maize inoculant allows silage to be fed one week after harvest
27th August 2019
Pioneer is launching a new, faster-acting inoculant for use on maize silage in time for the 2019 harvest.
Harvest is one-shot opportunity to lock ‘goodness’ into maize silage
27th August 2019
There is enough energy in a hectare of fresh forage maize to support about 30,000 litres of milk production in dairy cows, once animal maintenance needs are met.
Record numbers flock to Blacknose Beauties show & sale
27th August 2019
The 4th Show and Sale to be held by the Valais Blacknose Sheep Society and their second AGM, promised to be a huge celebration, and without a doubt it was.
McCormick will be supporting manufacturers at Tillage-Live
23rd August 2019
A fleet of McCormick X7 Series and X8 Series tractors – the primary models in the McCormick range for arable farm operations – will be supporting several equipment manufacturers at Tillage-Live 2019.
Weed control in autumn-sown leys
22nd August 2019
Broadleaved weeds emerging in new-sown leys will reduce the amount of grass that can establish. To optimise the investment in reseeding, farmers should get rid of these weeds by spraying herbicide as soon as the grass shows three true leaves, says Dr Nicola Perry, weed biology specialist for Corteva Agriscience.
UK livestock auction will raise funds for farmer mental health
22nd August 2019
A ground-breaking farming campaign, originally launched in Ireland in 2018 to raise money for mental health charities, will host its first UK seminar and auction-based livestock event in Shropshire on Friday 13th September 2019.