Author Posts: Farmers Guide
The versatility of the Omega seed drill
25th January 2021
The Omega seed drill is reliable, versatile and designed for establishing a wide variety of crops in virtually all conditions, both in relation to soil type, rotation and moisture.
New additions to Hardi Sprayers for 2021
25th January 2021
Hardi introduces the self-propelled Alpha to their demonstration line up for 2021, which features a balance between front and rear and with its low total weight gives optimal weight/capacity ratio and high performance even in wet terrain conditions.
Driving change at New Holland Agriculture
25th January 2021
Whatever you cultivate, raise, harvest, bale or transport, New Holland claims it always has the machine and equipment to fit your needs like a glove.
NMR introduces new genomics portfolio
24th January 2021
NMR is introducing its new genomic services, GeneEze, to coincide with Dairy-Tech Online in February 2021.
US trial shows that oregano essential oil can improve pig unit throughput
24th January 2021
A trial managed by Carthage Innovation Swine Solutions (CISS) in the US found that the 100 percent natural oregano essential oil (OEO) feed additive, Orego-Stim from Anpario, improved numbers of
No palm products? No problem
24th January 2021
Practical and economic alternatives to the feeding of palm fat derivatives.
New year, new planning application?
24th January 2021
Moule & Co. rebrands its planning arm as The Rural Planning Co. just in time for 2021 projects.
Feed trees to sheep to cut greenhouse gases, study suggests
23rd January 2021
Introducing tree leaves to a sheep’s diet could play an important role in reducing harmful greenhouse gas emissions, suggests research presented at the Intercropping for Sustainability conference.
Farmers and walkers urged to work together
21st January 2021
Walkers and farmers must work together to avoid damage to crops and wildlife habitats; so use a pair of wellies and stick to the footpaths, says rural body.
Lockdown projects for farm kids
21st January 2021
With more children studying at home due to the coronavirus pandemic, Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) has created some educational games to help them stay safe on farms.
Working at height
21st January 2021
According to the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) falls are the second highest cause of death in agriculture – every year at least eight people die falling from a height.
The future of farming?
20th January 2021
Farmtrac’s electric FT25G tractor leads the charge.