Author Posts: Farmers Guide

Strawberry crop expected to be bigger, better and juicier this year

Cooler weather and slower growth set to reap rewards for this year’s crop, says British Summer Fruits.

CFMOTO announces exclusive discount on ATVs and UTVs for BASC members

CFMOTO UK has announced it is partnering with the British Association for Shooting & Conservation (BASC) to offer an exclusive 5% discount on all new ATVs and UTVs to BASC members.

New herbicide strategy for potatoes affected by poor weather conditions

A prolonged period of dry weather followed by early May’s rainfall is likely to require a change of herbicide strategy for potato growers this season.

New tyre technology to improve harvest efficiency

Checking combine harvester tyres ahead of, and during, a busy harvest is essential to increase operational efficiency, reduce tyre damage, and minimise soil compaction.

AHDB launches ‘Beige is Beautiful’ campaign to encourage people to choose wholegrains

The Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) is launching a consumer marketing campaign based around a striking piece of art made entirely from wholegrains.

New tool to help farmers make decisions over cereal disease launched

Syngenta has launched a new, online support tool to help growers with fungicide decisions in winter wheat and in winter and spring barley.

New Holland and The Prince’s Countryside Trust announce winners of annual Up to Speed scheme

The successful applicants to the Up to Speed joint initiative by New Holland and The Prince’s Countryside Fund win the use of the brand’s equipment for a year.

The University of Hull helping those in the Humber region tackle flooding

Small and medium-sized businesses in the Humber may lack the knowledge and expertise required to tackle the growing flood risk facing the region.

ASDA Launches its first ESG report in a move towards sustainability

Asda has today published its first Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) report which sets out its commitments to a sustainable business strategy and outlines how the supermarket will make it easier and affordable for customers to shop sustainably.

Perfecting Potatoes Together – New initiative for UK growers

BASF launches ambitious new initiative on the company’s Real Results Virtual Farm. Its vision is to help UK growers unlock the potential – and the profits – in their potato crop.

‘Hedgefund’ New Scheme offers grants and guidance for farmers to help the UK’s threatened hedgerows

The Tree Council is leading Close the Gap, a partnership project with a year of activity to champion hedgerows and is asking farmers to get involved to boost biodiversity, tackle climate change and preserve the unique character of the English countryside. 

Farmers and landowners sought to help create ponds, and protect great crested newts in North Lincs

A number of ponds are set to be created in the North Lincolnshire area, thanks to a new scheme funded by Natural England that is designed to protect the great crested newt (GCN) species.

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