Author Posts: Farmers Guide

Cutting edge technology puts security data in the palm of your hand

Farms of the future will use smart technology to secure and manage their assets. Active Farm Solutions explores how you can get real-time security data and instant alerts on your entire farm, all delivered to any web-enabled smart device.

National remembrance for those who have died in the farming community

A national remembrance service led by The Farming Community Network (FCN) charity will provide an opportunity to remember those who have died in farming communities.

Electric gates: the first line of defence against rural crime

Every farm uses gates, but more and more have begun to opt for a more advanced electric option. Some have made the jump for better deterrence against intruders or stronger biosecurity. Others have found the ease of use and extra convenience worthwhile.

Breedr to raise money for charity by encouraging farmers to get their Bulls Out for Cancer

Beef and dairy farmers are joining forces to raise money for testicular cancer, while also improving their herd genetics as part of Breedr’s Bulls Out for Cancer campaign.

White-tailed sea eagle release in Norfolk causes concerns

The decision by Natural England to grant a licence for the release of up to 60 white-tailed sea eagles in Norfolk has come as no surprise to the National Sheep Association (NSA), despite the concerns raised by farming organisations, local farmers and landowners during the consultation period.

Farming industry disregarding valuable research as frosts hit

A Lincolnshire farmer believes many in the industry are ignoring valuable research into how best to protect crops from extreme weather conditions and are losing millions of pounds as a result.

Staying safe this silage season

Leading rural insurer NFU Mutual is urging farmers to make safety their first priority as a delayed silage first cut gets underway.

Temperature and humidity monitoring to help dairy farmers tackle heat stress

Cargill UK is launching live temperature and humidity data online through the summer months to help dairy farmers and their advisers recognise and mitigate the signs of heat stress in dairy cattle.

Government lays plans to tackle livestock worrying

Farmers are welcoming government proposals for the police to have more power responding to serious incidents of livestock worrying.

Free piglet E. coli testing now available to farmers

In order to help tackle the issue of Post Weaning Diarrhoea (PWD) caused by E. coli in piglets, Elanco is offering farmers free diagnostic testing to identify the bacterial strain and allow for appropriate vaccination.

State of the art lab to help farmers unlock the genetic potential of their herd

The new custom-built genomic testing laboratory was opened by the NMR in April 2021, and it has now completed the first 1,000 tests on tissue samples from UK dairy cattle.

Can blight-resistant potato varieties offer effective resistance yet still taste good?

Varieties that are resistant to late blight can be agronomically very good, and Blackthorn Arable agronomist Martyn Cox says he has been pleasantly surprised at how good they taste.

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