Author Posts: Farmers Guide
Common diseases for pulse farmers to look out for this season
27th May 2021
Pulse growers are being advised to familiarise themselves with the symptoms, risk factors and management options for key diseases in peas and beans this season.
HS2 “dishonest, misleading and inconsistent” when dealing with farmers complaints
27th May 2021
HS2 Ltd must drastically improve its communication and engagement with farmers affected by the rail project, many of which are left distressed due to uncertainty and mounting financial pressures, the NFU said today.
May 2021
No compromise for slug control in potatoes
27th May 2021
Achieving a good quality potato ridge comprising a fine tilth with minimal clods this season will be critical if a high level of slug control is to be achieved.
Dutch court orders Shell to drastically reduce carbon emissions
26th May 2021
For the first time in history, a judge has held a corporation liable for its dangerous contribution to climate change.
Farming community saddened by the blow of another fatal accident
26th May 2021
Farming has long been one of the most dangerous industries to work in, with serious accidents and fatalities far more likely than in other sectors. The latest incident occurred on the 12th May, and is currently under investigation.
‘Sense of optimism’ as Arla Foods announce milk price increase for June
26th May 2021
The Arla Foods on-account price for organic and conventional milk will increase by 0.5 euro cents/kilo from June 2021.
Getting the most from your sugar beet crop
26th May 2021
A particularly cold April has put more pressure on sugar beet farmers than usual, making it vital that every possible action is taken to ensure yields are optimised and able to fulfil their potential. The key to achieving this? A robust nutrient management programme.
May 2021
Surge in sales due to changing weather patterns
26th May 2021
With the potato industry having to adapt to a host of market changes and an increasingly changing weather pattern, Scotts has reported a signifficant surge in windrower kits and retro-fit Evolution separator sales
May 2021
Farrowing crates and new innovations: What’s next for the pig sector?
25th May 2021
Jane Jordan explores some of the latest updates for the pig sector, including whether the farrowing crate can survive growing pressure from the welfare lobby; an innovative in-hut creep feeder; and a new intradermal multi-valent vaccine.
May 2021
Three brothers, three sheds, one successful diversification
25th May 2021
The Scott brothers, Charlie, Michael and Andrew, have a strong passion for continuing their family’s arable farm but they soon realised they needed to diversify to strengthen the business. This led to their latest venture – poultry
Withdrawal of key UK seed treatments confirmed
25th May 2021
The UK pesticides’ regulatory authority, CRD (Chemicals Regulation Division), has confirmed the imminent withdrawal of several key seed treatments widely used by UK vegetable growers.
Agriculture in the classroom shown to positively impact children’s education and future
25th May 2021
A new report by the NFU clearly demonstrates how farming and agriculture can be used effectively in the classroom to deliver crucial science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) lessons through real world examples.