Author Posts: Farmers Guide
Rural business utilising homegrown produce
14th June 2021
Farmers Guide spoke to Massagical’s creator Sally to hear more about her story and how she set up her small rural business.
Interested in Rye?
14th June 2021
RYE NOT? Interest in hybrid rye for grain is growing in the UK, not just because of its agronomic merits but also because it adds diversity to the rotation.
Bird-like drone could be a game-changer for farmers
13th June 2021
A drone which mimics bird flight could make the technology more usable for farmers in remote and windswept landscapes.
Farming on film: the UK’s love of agricultural TV
12th June 2021
Ever since motion pictures began rolling, rural locations have proved to be a popular subject. It’s a trend that has continued in unstoppable fashion with Amazon Prime’s Clarkson’s Farm being just the latest addition in over 100 years of farming on film.
Claydon announce prize draw to mark its 40th anniversary
11th June 2021
It was back in July 1981 that Jeffrey Claydon set up Claydon Yield-o-Meter Ltd. To celebrate 40 years in the industry Claydon have announced they are to hold a prize draw for a years worth of Omnia Precision farming systems.
New farming mental health film launches next week
11th June 2021
“Unearthing Farming Lives” is a new film examining some of the most common causes of mental health problems, as well as their potential solutions, within the farming and wider agricultural community.
Turf wars: arable farming creates “gangsters’ paradise” for soil microbes
11th June 2021
The impact of arable farming on soil ecosystems has been likened to creating a “gangsters’ paradise” by one of the authors of new research aimed at helping damaged soils recover.
Clarkson’s Farm: “We should give farmers a lot more respect”
10th June 2021
Farmers Guide director Greg Goulding was invited to meet Jeremy Clarkson to discuss how farming has fundamentally changed the life and views of the TV presenter, ahead of the launch of ‘Clarkson’s Farm’ on Amazon Prime this week.
The many waste management options for your diversification
10th June 2021
One of the most important things you’ll have to think of as soon as you decide to diversify your land is the facilities offered to your guests. With the booming domestic tourism market there are an increasing number of options for all areas of your business, and bathrooms are no different.
Suzuki ATVs chosen by land management contractor
10th June 2021
A nationwide council contracting company has chosen to purchase its Suzuki ATVs from a family run business in Bedfordshire.
Four financial considerations before diversifying your farm
9th June 2021
Farmers Guide caught up with Sean McCann, chartered financial planner at NFU Mutual, to hear expert financial advice for farmers looking to diversify.
Blight control for today and tomorrow
9th June 2021
Blight is the bane of potato growing and experts warn that, long-term, pressure in the UK is only set to rise. We asked a specialist agronomist, a grower and a crop protection manufacturer about best-practice now and in the future