Author Posts: Farmers Guide
£1.85m of cattle traded on Breedr in just four months
20th July 2021
Breedr, the free herd management app for farmers, has traded more than £1.85m worth of cattle since launching its trading platform just four months ago.
National Sheep Dog Trials going ahead with high quality live stream
19th July 2021
The 2021 Sheep Dog Trials will be the first to be live streamed in high quality thanks to a new partnership with media company Giggabox. Their multi camera approach will allow sheep dog enthusiasts around the world to keep up with the action.
July 2021
Authoritative new guide helps OSR growers make the most of early drilling
19th July 2021
Bringing together the latest intelligence from across the industry, to help oilseed rape growers make the most of early August drilling, is an authoritative 20-page guide published this summer.
July 2021
Farm safety: One death is too many
19th July 2021
Popular farm safety app Smart Farmer went live with two new features this month – lone working and field hazard identification – adding to its already impressive list of safety offerings. With the number of farm deaths and injuries still at a troublingly high level, these features are a must-have for farmers and farm workers.
Latest estimates show crop yields up 55% on last year
19th July 2021
Wheat production in Britain for 2021-2022 has been forecast to reach 14.92m tonnes, according to an estimate by the AHDB.
New research shows stress and tiredness ‘key factors’ in farming accidents
18th July 2021
Stress and fatigue have been identified as a key cause of agricultural accidents by researchers from the University of Aberdeen.
New twin metering control box and GPS speed sensor for Fan Jet Duo
17th July 2021
Stocks Ag has greatly extended the capabilities of its Fan Jet Duo spinning disc granular applicator, with the addition of its new TM (Twin Meter) control box with GPS speed sensor.
Research in demand for AgriTech postgraduate courses
16th July 2021
Independent research firm, IFF Research are searching for recent AgriTech graduates or anyone currently working in the AgriTech field.
Winner of this year’s British Charcuterie Live Awards named
16th July 2021
The British Charcuterie Live Awards, first launched in 2018, are national, annual and independent. They were created to promote quality, variety and understanding of British Charcuterie.
July 2021
Autonomous vehicle start-up cooperative
16th July 2021
Claas has entered a cooperative venture with Dutch start-up AgXeed B.V. and acquired a minority shareholding in the company’s international funding round as a mark of its commitment.
Stubble cultivation combined with a pneumatic seed drill
15th July 2021
For most farmers, sowing catch crops directly as they cultivate their stubble is the easiest approach, as it avoids an additional pass and reduces working time, effort and costs. This is why Lemken now offers a combined pneumatic intercrop seeder for its cultivators and compact disc harrows, allowing farmers to utilise the optimal time for sowing and benefit from immediate erosion protection.
Polysulphate gives boost to autumn establishment
15th July 2021
Effective autumn establishment is the foundation on which yield and quality of autumn-sown crops are built. Scott Garnett, ICL’s agronomist considers best practice to minimise risk and maximise returns.